Discussion: Elizabeth Warren Mocks Defenders Of

Discussion for article #230981

Light a fire under their balls, Lizzy…DO IT.


She’s got some fire in her belly! Do it!


The WH response should be interesting.

Sorry to piggyback here Sniffit but for some reason - maybe I’m obtuse? - I cannot locate a way to enter my own comment, which is similar to yours if less, shall we say, inflammatory.

Ms Warren is absolutely spot on on this. I am tired of the Goldman Sachs and freres determining our financial policies. We should have arrested bankers in 2008/09, not bailed them out. We should have bailed out the homeowners, but the decisions on how to proceed were guided or made by people who had made millions on Wall Street. They are not interested in consumer protection. If Weiss is nominated and confirmed you can be sure the consumer protection unit will be left to languish. Yet, I have not doubt Obama will go ahead with his nominee, he will be confirmed - one of the few Obama nominees Republicans will confirm - and consumer protection will be thrown overboard.

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This is what integrity looks like. Elizabeth Warren for President.


Much as I admire her, I have to disagree with this sentiment. As President, she couldn’t get away with saying the things that need to be said. I think she will be much more effective if she has a long, productive career in the Senate.

Nothing says she can’t be president and then go back to the senate if she so chooses. And as President she would be in charge of the DOJ and Treasury who could hunt down Wall Street crooks with or without Congress. As President she could be extremely effective if getting rid of the big money in Congress problems. In the Senate all she can do is talk about it. As President she could do it.

Warren/Castro 2016

Except history. It’s never happened before. Only one President has ever returned to Congress - John Quincy Adams, to the House.

When I get like that at Planning Board meetings, everyone ignores me, too.

Solidarity, Senator Warren!

Up towards the top, there’s a red button that says reply. Next to star and share.

To Joe from Lowell. Obviously I have not problem replying to a comment. But the “Reply” button you refer to does not mean “comment,” which is what I wanted to do. I want to comment on the article, not Reply to an author. If the button you are referring really means “Add your comment,” then it should say “Comment,” not Reply.

I agree it should say comment, but for some reason, the button to leave a comment on the article says reply. I guess they mean reply to the article. I don’t know. But that is the way it is.