Discussion: Elite Prep School Grad Gets Year In Sexual Assault Case

Discussion for article #242331

Divinity school? Oh, good god (not a pun).


I can’t believe his lawyer stood there and and argued for probation because he didn’t really do anything wrong. Yeah, that’s always exactly the right thing to do, idiot.

On the other hand, the kid did get away with doing a tiny fraction of the time a poor kid with a public defender would have gotten if this had happened at an inner city public school (assuming the victim was a rich white girl, I mean).


I could’ve sworn I saw this episode on Law & Order Special Victims Unit years ago. Art imitating life or visa versa?

My problem is with the school more than with this perpetrator. How does an elite school in New Hampshire not closely monitor the students they have under their charge? How does that school think teenage kids don’t want to experiment sexually?
I have yet to hear any school official, supposedly trained teachers and administrators, explain how this kind of incident, this kind of “custom” can go on for years and years.
If I were on the board of directors of this school, I’d ask for resignations from all faculty and staff.


What if he’d been a Black scholarship student? Think he’d have got off with a year?


While I was inclined to believe in his guilt, based solely on the knowledge that he was going to divinity school, this - ¨(h)e was also found guilty of a felony count of using a computer — specifically, Facebook and email — to lure the girl to the encounter¨ - seems a bit much.


In most states he would have been guilty of [statutory] rape, a felony. I think the felony he did catch was appropriate. The sentence was too short.


Given that their ages differed by only 3 years, I suspect that in most states it would not have been a crime, as long as it was consensual.


Have a heart and send the sex offender a case of Carmex.

He’s gonna need it.

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:smirk: Now, just which set of lips are we talking about?

Poor guy, “His life has been one of trauma trying to deal with these allegations and the emotion of the trial.” Going to be such a hard life ahead for him, losing his scholarship to Harvard, and all. Now his mom and dad will have to pay. Maybe after he gets out of prison, he can get a “small” loan from them like Donald and Mitt.

I’m just so disgusted with our two tiered system of justice in this country.


The world is going to look extremely different to him upon exiting that place.

There is clearly a total lack of in loco parentis monitoring at this “elite prep school”, where a tradition of statutory rape has persisted for seemingly years. I for one simply find it beyond comprehension that a school in which young women and young men attend without their parents present does not monitor behavior more closely, and had no idea that this was occurring. If I was a parent of this girl, I would sue the school as well. I am appalled at the comments about the young man. I don’t agree with his conduct. However, 18 YOs do not think clearly. They are not adults. His behavior, while inappropriate, is not that of a hardened criminal. He will be on the sex offender list for a long time, if not for his life. He will not be able to be a lawyer, a police officer, join the military, or have many other careers. He made a mistake, but the punishment is way out of line.


There was a similar episode on the original Law and Order; I remember Lenny Briscoe walking into a gym class to arrest the preppy perp. Life has Art beat by at least a million to one!

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Yeah. It’s too fucking short.


What’s the big deal? John Cornyn ® Texas would say that rapist Lebrie was just trying to give her “…a gift from God.” Anyhoo…According to Todd Akin ® Missouri if it was a ‘legitimate rape’ her body would have ‘shut it down’ and no problem! But…in the end, if she had become pregnant, Pope Rick Santorum said she “…should accept it as a gift from God.” and, one supposes, just be thankful for it.

Praise Conservative Jeebus’! and amen!


In New Hampshire, engaging in sexual activity with someone between the ages of 13 an 16 is dependent upon two things…1) penetration and 2) the age difference. Anything over 5 years is considered statutory rape (or felonious sexual assault)…if penetration is involved 4 years is the cut off time, and if no penetration, then 3 years is the cut off time.

Their age difference was three years, but no penetration was included. So, no statutory rape.

It varies pretty wildly from state to state these days, with many states having a “layered” approach depending on the age differences. I always though Georgia’s was pretty weird…17 is the age of consent, no matter the age difference…but 16 CAN be the age of consent, if you have the minor’s parents agreement. So how exactly does someone show up and say “Hey, I am here to take you 16 year old out…would you mind signing these forms first please?”


What about the girl? She’s been serving an unofficial sentence since the incident happened, and, sorry, 18 is old enough to know one should stay away from 15 year old kid sisters of someone he once actually dated.

Maybe the rich little white kids won’t feel quite so entitled after this.


More likely they consider the whole thing an affront to their proud tradition,and will just be slightly more careful about keeping the game under the radar.