Discussion: eleanor

Discussion for article #222728

If Steve Malzberg is asking the question, it is bound to be a stupid RWNJ “Gotcha” question like the kind that Limbaugh poses every day.

Not sure why Eleanor even gave this radical wingnut the airtime of day.


Stevens was not shot. He was not dragged through the streets by terrorists, raped and beheaded, as many on the fringe right insist. But he was most definitely murdered. When a fire is purposefully set or results from an incendiary device, people who die from it – whether burned alive or asphyxiated – are victims of murder. Unless Ms. Clift was trying to say that Stevens was a casualty of war, which are generally not classified as victims of murder.


I’ll bet 98% of wingers who yell ‘Benghazi’ every other minute think Steven’s body was dragged through the streets after he was tortured and murdered. The facts are very different and I’m glad someone is saying so if perhaps somewhat inelegantly. Sure, he was murdered, but rather indirectly.


Meh. I am willing to give her a break on this one. Clift has been dealing with these idiots on the talk shows for decades. Quite frankly I would have started trolling them LONG ago


Semantically she is probably right. He was “killed” in an attack on the embassy. To be “murdered” you will have to prove that the attackers specifically targeted him as in an assassination attempt. Did they?


I can’t believe that McLaughlin Group is still around. It is a relic of the past–and not a positive one. Shrill ideologues talking over each other with a “moderator” who is like a caricature, plucked directly from “Bonfire of the Vanities.” Eleanor Clift is the resident Alan Colmes. If that’s the only gig she can get at this point, she should seriously consider retirement.


Jabbing a finger into the eye of conservatives is good sport.


Why give the Benghazi truthers more ammo? This is not helping.


One more thing, does anyone else thinks the new comment system is too complicated and unwieldy. Liked the the older simpler one when you can just scrawl down and read all the comments or add to them. Like my post if you agree.


Speaker John Boehner voted against increasing embassy security in Benghazi to fund tax breaks for his campaign donors. This is not being discussed. How many in the Republican witch hunt committee voted against embassy security?


While some may take perverse joy in tweaking conservative outrage, Clift’s comment was insensitive, ill-advised and clearly wrong. Standing by her statement is stupid. The thread running through the right’s attempt to manufacture a scandal from Benghazi is that the White House/Democrats/all liberals don’t take the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and the others seriously. Clift’s comments advance their argument.

Victims of terror attacks are murdered, full stop. At least we can agree on that much.

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Um…did you read the story? She’s not giving them ammo, she’s giving them grief.


All of this is just word play. Wittengenstein would be amused.

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Oh, I agree. I definitely give her a pass here. I’m just trying to figure out what she meant.

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I’m sympathetic to Ms. Clift here but I disagree with your line about targeting. Say an arsonist burns down a building for the insurance, and a family dies in the fire, isn’t it proper to say they were murdered even though they weren’t specifically targeted? They were regarded as expendable and died as a result, and I think that fits the legal definition of murder. Maybe not Murder One, but murder nonetheless. Or is that a form of manslaughter? Where’s NCSteve? He’s good with these legal questions.

I’m not a lawyer, but I think semantically and legally she is very likely incorrect. The definition of murder varies by jurisdiction, but deaths that are caused in the commission of a felony (like arson) are generally considered ‘felony murder’. Deaths that are caused by indifference to human life can be considered ‘depraved heart murder’.

The attackers actions may or may not have constituted a deliberate, willful, intention to kill Ambassador Stevens, but that doesn’t mean his death and the others were not murders.


Dude was murdered, same as if an arsonist set fire to his house.

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Umm… yeah, I read the article. Thanks for being condescending.

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