Pretty clear that Trump won’t put any conditions on crackdowns against “terrorists” in foreign relations. Assad will be a new best buddy.
Honestly, I do not know what our foreign policy should be in terms of diminishing the influence and international allure of Islamic terrorism. I don’t see how one can call Obama’s policy in this area a success.
On the other hand, going back 50 or 60 years, to the era when the US would support any strongman who was in agreement with our foreign policy aims, seems like a recipe for catastrophe.
I think that the Egyptian president’s statement got lost in translation from Arabic to Portugese to English. It’s apparrent that he meant:
“Just because (The Orange Wonder) took positions on issues as a candidate does not mean that he will have any of his own as President. He is a wealthy and powerful man. He can get the best opinions and the best words. And the world can rest assured that the policy advocated by the last man to advse him will be the one he will carry out. No worries.”
Welcome to the brave new world of “politically transmitted diseases.”
“As a regular Egyptian strongman kind of guy who killed 800 people in one day, I say, give Pres. Elect Shitgibbon a break. He’ll make a fine morally disengaged autocratic in no time. Just needs a little mentoring”
Concise and perfect summation.
This is the network of mutual support of Mafia bosses. Autocratic strongmen like Putin and others are all happy to cup each others’ balls until one of them gets in the way and is perceived to hurt the power of another one - then it is all out war.Note the new Philippine maniac has said nice things about Trump also.
Guess what - Axis of Evil is coming back and we made the team this time.
Dear Egyptian Military Dictator
We are not jumping to conclusions. Here in his fair City, we have had to live with Donald Trump and his over inflated ego in the celebrity news from the late 70s on. We know you do not listen to The Howard Stern Show in Egypt, but we have listened to his appearances there. We know of his lack of personal ethics, unlike you. We know who he is. You, on the other hand only know that he is a Right Winger, like yourself.
I think we can handle it without the Egyptian Presidents help. That fool doesn’t have enough information about Trump to know spit. He can do what he want’s in that shithole failed state he lives in. We’ll take car of biz over hear.
birds of a feather…someone should ask this thug…what exactly HE SAYS that he doesnt mean…
Didn’t the woefully misunderstood Kim Jong Un issue this exact same statement a few days ago?
P.S. Don’t call him Fat Boy the Third.
“Sisi’s rise to power almost ended with his first appearance as a strongman. He had clumsily attempted to justify the “virginity tests,” performed by military doctors on female protesters in Tahrir Square. Sisi had described the humiliating tests as a reaction to accusations of rape that had been supposedly leveled at soldiers.”
Sounds like Trump’s kinda guy.
if it was easy, someone would’ve thunk it up by now.
It’s been non-stop Trump over here for over a year, and it hasn’t even started in earnest. Actually, he’s been sucking up media oxygen since at least the 80’s. No one is jumping to anything. He is not exactly a tabula rasa,despite his demented supporter’s projections.
yep. that’s the way i always go. don’t believe what trump says, believe he’s going by what i wish he said. the new brave trumpworld.
Translation: We’re on the spearpoint of modern crowd control techniques. After all, 40 million of our people are supposed to live on less than $2 a day. Step out of line? Well, why would you do that? With the new Trump Lifeboat coming, your government is going to be very interested in how we roll. Also, even with a 6,000-year heritage, this history business is unimportant. If we have a bad policy, say in our electrical sector, we just tell those Debbie Downers to look to the future and forget about legacy misplanning. Someday something might get fixed.
We’re basically seeing the emergence of a new axis of authoritarians at the expense of a coalition of liberal democracies. Trump is much more comfortable with Putin, Sisi, Duterte, Assad, and Erdogan and will do his utmost to model his presidency on theirs and seek common cause with these guys. The USA will become a darkly threatening, unpredictable, forceful actor in world affairs–and will certainly alienate its traditional European allies and their quaint beliefs in peace and prosperity. The global project of democracy will come to a halt. Rightwing populism will strengthen everywhere. We are moving to a world order that gave us the second world war.