Discussion: Egypt Sentences 3 Al-Jazeera Reporters To 7 Years

Discussion for article #224209

“widespread criticism that the verdict was a blow to freedom of expression.”

Gee, ya think?

American Tealabangelists are eye-balling this travesty of justice. They’d like the Breitbarts to run free, while they’d muzzle the “liberal” press. Don’t think so? Just try taking a photo of a factory farm in Florida–you’ll go to jail!


And that’s just the beginning of fascist restrictions on a free press.

America is ranked 46th in the world for press freedom.
FORTY-SIXTH!! Americans need to look in the mirror and realize we are under fascist siege, and the GOP is the corporate goon squad doing the work of eliminating a free internet and press. We must kill the GOP and it’s fascist wave. Or everything we call a free press will have been flushed down the memory hole.