“As long as I’m editor, John won’t write about Sheldon Adelson.” -Moyer says on @jlnevadasmith
because its been awhile
There is no such thing as a free press in the US any longer.
The Review-Journal assured readers in a front-page editorial that it would maintain its independence from Adelson and keep its reporting fair and balanced. *
*Certain restrictions apply. Not intended as a factual statement. For entertainment purposes only.
“Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.”
― A.J. Liebling
What a crock of shit, but raise your hand if you DIDN’T believe this was inevitable at the Review-Journal.
Where was the short fingered vulgarian convention? They seem to be all fired up.
“I personally think it was a conflict for John to write about Sheldon.” - Moyer says
Man, how Orwellian can you get?
“Fair and balanced” is the scourge of American journalism. Life isn’t always “fair and balanced”. Neither should reporting. Truth is truth.
Fortunately, the exact opposite is true. A free press has largely been an illusion in this world, since you always have someone acting as a gatekeeper who decides what can and can’t be printed. But thanks to the internet, we get more information now than ever. I’m not sure why people complain as if corporate news is stifling the truth while at a news site that feeds them subscriber-paid news throughout the day.
How is it this guy isn’t dead yet?
Yea, tell me about it.
I was raided by the DEA 25 years ago based on false information. They planted evidence and charged me with a felony. Their lies were so evident, the DA eventually dismissed the case.
I’ve been called for jury duty at least a dozen times since then, and made my way onto two jury panels.
Each time, I was asked if I was ever charged with a crime and the circumstances of the case.
Each time I was removed because of “Prior Experience”.
Apparently you can only have a fair trial of your peers if those peers have never had a negative experience with the Police.
It seems the same principle here, its a conflict because he got screwed over by Adelson in the past.
Not like the old days when newspapers regularly wrote editorials critical of their owners.
I’m sure Mr. Smith looks forward to writing Adelson’s obituary.
@ncsteve: Yeah, but those owners were usually fairly public about their ownership, and were usually accountable to the public. In this case the purchase was (poorly) concealed and no one can get close to Adelson to tell him they’re boycotting his advertisers.
Like Mark Twain, I never wished anybody dead, but there are many obituaries I read with a smile on my face.
I look forward to Mr. Smith’s prose…
Sheldon and Rupert either made a deal with the devil or are using Keith Richards’ blood replacement regime.
Only the good die young…
"Adelson, an influential figure in Sin City who comes from a family of casino owners. . . " There is no family. I think Adelson’s only child is dead. Adelson himself is self made. it does not make him a nicer guy, but unlike Trump, no one gave him anything.
I think I will try that next time I get called for jury duty. I was charged with murder, but it was dropped because of Prosecutorial Misconduct.
Think it will get me out of jury duty?
Really, just going down the center column, we have: Webb, Adelson, Kasich, McConnell, Tom Brady and of course the original and incredible Mr. tRumpley!
As long as you tell them that ever since your experience you are skeptical of their ability to be fair. Also, when they ask if you feel you can follow the law, tell them probably, but at the end of the day if there’s a conflict between the law and what is just, you will follow your conscience.
That should do it no problem