I can still remember when Julian Assange was everyone’s favorite “information needs to be free!” kind of guy.
I guess that’s over.
I can still remember when Julian Assange was everyone’s favorite “information needs to be free!” kind of guy.
I guess that’s over.
Yet he hasn’t had time to learn his hosts’ language?
I’m pretty sure I could get conversationally fluent with six years of immersion, and I’ve never even bragged about how smart I am!
Please don’t put me in that category - I never trusted Assange, Wikileaks, Glenn Greenwald and especially that traitor, Snowden.
Clean your bathroom and feed your cat is a prison regime?
“Per the Guardian, the government also stated that come December, Assange will be on his own to pay for food and laundry.”
I’m sure Roger Stone will help contribute…to have his cat put down.
Yeah, the tie doesn’t match.
Assange hasn’t even bothered to learn any Spanish, the language of his hosts and protecters.
On the other hand, if he had, they’d have to listen to him.
It’s probably true that most diplomatic personnel speak English. But Assange speaking no Spanish would provide them with some no doubt desirable deniability.
“Gimme my Internet back!”
“No comprende, Senor, no comprende.”
Sounds like Julian is about to be grounded for ever. What a dumbass biting the hand that keeps his ass out of jail.
Take that F’ing tie off that poor cat, they hate that shit.
Cats do not like to be embarrassed and this one is clearly embarrassed by Assange!
Yes! Like how has he not accidentally learned the language? It’s as if he’s purposefully trying to avoid being able to communicate with his hosts.
I think they call that a blessing in disguise. May just be a blessing.
But keep the cat.
You know they could probably crowd fund enough money to not only take care of the cat, but a lot of cats in Ecuador.
They’re just tired of Julian beating everyone at Dance Dance Revolution.
He’s probably planning to retire there. Wonder what he’ll be getting for retirement? What a way to live. Ugh!
“This new regime goes against his basic human dignity as an asylee.”
Then GTFO.
oh my - sucks to be Jules.
He’s been in the Ecuadorian Embassy for 6 years and still hasn’t learned any Spanish? Weak. His little glow in the dark white ass probably looks down upon the very people who have given him sanctuary. Throw the bum out.
That Snowden thing made me nuts at the time. Amazing what people will fall for.
No shit.
Neither Snowden nor Glenn told us anything we hadn’t already learned by 2004. The rest was all speculation that went like this: They have the ability to listen in on every American’s cell phone so they must be doing it even though we have no evidence that they are. And finally, email among embassy staff that wasn’t vetted and had shit in it that none of us needs to know - gossip about other heads of state etc that were just the kind of work related gossip most offices have.