Holy CashCow!!
I looked at my calendar today to see if 1) I’d lost a few months and it was April Fool’s Day (nope) or 2) National Through the Looking Glass Day.
Things are getting seriously weird.
ETA: We should mark this day on the calendar though, as this is the day when the Republican Party officially became the Party of Trump.
She also warns candidates from collaborating with the Kochs, saying that only the RNC’s data bank can be “trusted.”
This is good,not that I support either entity. If the Koch network wants to help certain Democrats,I can understand that. If the race is a blue dog Dem vs. a hair on fire Trump Republican,a blue dog Dem would be nice… thank you very much.
“Some groups who claim to support conservatives forgo their commitment when they decide their business interests are more important than those of the country or Party,” wrote RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel in a memo. “This is unacceptable.”
The many levels of irony in this statement will keep me laughing all morning.
Oh my, I am enjoying this too much. Where to begin?
My first thought, Please Proceed Ms. Romney…
Dr. Frankenstein, meet your monster.
Do not take Koch dollars!
We’re cool with rubles though.
It shows how far out the Repugs have gone when they start losing the Kochs and then diss them to finish the process. The only bad part of the Kochs giving money to the Dems is that they will do it only to protect their business interests. The Democratic Party does not need to become more beholding to the plutocrats.
The Republican pitch is largely that their policies are better for the country’s business interests…
Wow. This is like when Joe Stalin disappeared Party members from photographs.
Koch Brothers ? Who are they ?
Was kinda thinking this was big enough of a sh$t show for the 4 laughing Warhol monkeys.
Oh, wow. It is fascinating to wonder how the RNC’s idea that loyalty to the (leader of the) party, no matter what is done when in control, rather than seeking to advancing policies that presumably led one to support the party in the first place, should decide how billionaires allocate their funds, will sit with any remaining mega donors? Why would someone with Citizens United-sanctified free speech rights — i.e., money — continue to waste it on politicians as unpredictable, not to say uncontrollable, as this? Money does not bestow intelligence, but neither does it necessarily make one self-destructive.
Circular firing squad. This is how the GOP will end: the American oligarchs who own Congress at war with the Russian oligarchs who own Trump.
It’s sweet to be lectured about loyalty by a woman who stopped using her family name because it made the leader uncomfortable.
Mike Pence is a Koch Brothers product. As VP, he’s also Trump’s toady.
Can/will he serve two masters?
Truly. I don’t want to dwell on this TO much but WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? They spent the better part of a decade sucking up to the billionaire class to the detriment of the country and now they disavow one of the richest because Donnie is jealous??? The RNC is backing this ploy??? You cannot make this sht up.
Our Russian friends have gone over it with a fine-toothed comb and have assured us we have nothing to be concerned about.