Discussion: 'Duck Dynasty' Star: You Can't Catch STDs From 'Biblically Correct Sex'

Discussion for article #228600

And yet…many people do.


But only if it is “legitimate” Biblically correct sex.

Is it only biblically correct if she screams “Oh God! Oh God!”?


Uh, Phil? Your system would work just fine for same-sex couples too.



Dumber than rocks, this guy…Later he intoned, “and abstinence education prevents pregnancy…”


You’re not going to get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, AIDS – if you, if a man marries a woman, and neither of you have it, and you keep your sex between the two of you, you’re not going to get ever sexually transmitted diseases.”

No shit.
But that has more to do with the fact that neither of the parties involved has a disease, not what type of sexual positions they are engaging in.

Gawd, what is in our water these days? Seems dumb, ignorant people used to be shunned in society and people were embarrassed to be seen with them. NOW, however, they get TV shows and are invited to speak at major political events.


Unless you have sex with someone who has had a blood transfusion or a dirty needle from which they picked up the AIDS virus.
But what are the odds of that? All the hard drugs are in the mid-west.


Exactly, if two people have never had sex with others or they enter into the relationship disease free and are completely monogamous, it’s highly unlikely they’ll ever contract an STD. It doesn’t matter whether they’re gay or straight.


I thought biblically correct sex involved daughters having sex with their drunken father, husbands having sex with their dead brother’s widows, rich guys having sex with their serving women, and patriotic women having sex with their country’s enemies in order to kill them. My mistake.


He was on what’s his name’s morning evangelical show a few months ago and confessed he was a gung ho fornicator before he found the jeebus, so I guess he’s a big ol’ fatty fat hypocrite.


Well, for this bearded goat you had better protect the farm animals.


Nah, they just put that in because it was commercial.


If I only had a brain. . .

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If conservatives could focus on the world we live in rather than the world they wish we lived in, we’d all be a lot better off. Because yeah, ideally, people would wait until they found their One True Love before having sex and live happily ever after without infidelity and then die peacefully on the same day and spend eternity in Heaven with their loved ones who all did the same.

But in the real world, that’s so ridiculous that we shouldn’t even be setting people up for disaster by suggesting they can have this. The world isn’t fantasyland, no matter how much we wish it were otherwise.


You can’t fool me. That’s Mullah Omar in fatigues. I’d know that beard anywhere.


Ah- ya you can! Idiot!

Actually in the Bible and until nearly the 20th century, love wasn’t a part of the equation. It was all about women being married off to suit their father’s ambition – arranged marriages. Love is a fairly new development in the history of legalized relationships. Men would marry for money, but “love” their mistresses. Some upper class married women could do that, too. Aint life grand?


This, you would know if you weren’t all so gall durn stupid, is done atop pages torn from the Old Testament, preferably the Book of Job.

Why is this fraud family even being given airtime. They are not who they claim to be. Look at their before and after pictures to see who they really are.