I’m sure there are some very fine people among them.
This is awesome, I’ve been waiting for Stephen Miller to get arrested for a long time…
Undoubtedly bad methbilly tiki-torch hombres.
I thought they were just misunderstood…nice to see the Rapps are on there.
O goody. I am delighted to hear it. But will they do anything about their economic anxiety?
Can’t wait until the next batch of white supremacist are indicted on RICO charges.
“…the Arkansas-based New Aryan Empire, a meth-peddling white supremacist gang that originated in the state’s prison system…”
“When Arkansas sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re racists. And some, I assume, are very fine toothless, banjo-plucking, albino methbillies.”
Popehat’s gonna be apoplectic. Someone did the RICO!
Nothing says “Master Race” like the nicknames Bubba, Loon, Tricky and Pork Chop!
I assumed it was Trump and RNC dammitt !..c’mon mueller !
But at least they’re against socialism.
“True Defective”
They’ll give them free Paxil to calm their nerves .
More good news — 54 Trumpers won’t be able to vote in 2020.
And while on the subject of good news…This is a glimmer of sanity in our sordid political landscape.
Trump is warming up his pardon pen.
They are not government workers, they have families.
Cue Trump and the Arkansas religious conservatives to rise (and Tweet) in outrage that these are just good old christian white boys trying to make a living, and that evil big gubbermint is only attacking righteous God-fearing folks, just like the IRS did.
Who wants to bet me that if I go to Faux News and find their article on this, the two main themes in the comment section are “they’re all liberals” and “that’s true cuz the dems started the kkk”?
OK, but what’s their take on unicorns?
O thank you, edys! That is just awesome news. I have goosebumps - I have been so fucking worried about our public lands. Yay!