Discussion: Dozens Of Headstones Toppled At Jewish Cemetery In Missouri (VIDEO)

Since the installation of Trump in the White House, the anti-Semitic and racially bigoted right-wing cretins who support him have come out of the shadows.

We will see more and more of this—unless the American people rise up and stop it.


Only if it keeps making the news though. People and the news media tend to really pay attending to something happening the first few times, but will ignore the 10th or 20th instance of something happening.

Edit: Gallup has trump at 42/53. He’s picked up 9 points over the last few days no doubt because he’s not shot himself with a nail gun last week and people are already forgetting what’s he’s said and done in the first month.


There are a lot of white supremacists in Missouri. I would suspect this is the work of teenage kids of some of those pieces of shit.

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C’mon, get with the program—It’s Christianity that’s under assault in the United States.

“Hail Trump!! Hail our people!! Hail victory!!”

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The fact that he continues to come back when he stops talking should give us all pause. Apparently when he pops off he loses support, but something is driving folks back to him. It means that a lot of us are missing the depth of his support and why he is being supported. We really ought to think about why America has become so polarized. I don’t think it is the media alone. I think there is a real divide between suburban (rural) and urban and Democrats need to figure out what they can do to bridge that divide.

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Edit: Gallup has trump at 42/53. He’s picked up 9 points over the last few days

Welp, I guess Trump has correctly analyzed things: over 40% of the country wants to hang journalists from the nearest tree.

1789-2017 RIP


This could definately be antisemitic but I also have a suspension it may be anti-Muslim folks trying to may get something started on that front too To get the two groups fighting against each other or get Israel loving Christians worked up against Muslims.

I don’t know what to make of things like this. I hope the surveillance footage offers some explanation.

I’ve lived in St Louis my entire life and I’ve never met an anti-Semite. Racists? Sure, they’re everywhere from South Boston to NOLA to St Paul to LA. Of course we’re learning anti-Semites are everywhere too, but this is so far removed my experience as to leave me stunned.

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That’s probably the work of good ol’ God-fearin Klan

Progressives need to proactively focus as much energy addressing economic issues than they do reacting to sensational events like hateful cemetery vandalism.

Like what? Those people live in an America shaped for them by rightwing media and it is not the same country I live in.

We have separate realities and Democrats have reached out to these people for years. An entire town in Kentucky voted for Trump because “We’ve been forgotten.”

O Really? That town is where LBJ opened up his War on Poverty.

Now you tell me what we can say to them that that hasn’t been said.

O really? We’re not supposed to get upset when things like this vandalism happen but just bear down on some message you find more important?

We’ve never seen anti-Semitism in this country to this extent and I’ll be damned. It’s more important than anything else I can think of.

False flag. I think our so-called President ordered this event. Then he can condemn it, and people will give him the lavish praise on which he thrives.

Or Obama did it. It’s a tough call.

Call it what it is, Mr. tRump. “Radical Christian Terrorism.” And it seems to be spiking since you and yours started running in 2015. Oh, it’s been up since they freaked in 2008 and discovered that they’re the minority of Americans, that the rest of us really do see people for their character, and not for the (spray-on) color of their skin.

So call it what it is, Mr. tRump, “Radical Christian Terrorism.” From the Colorado Clinic shootings to the Charleston assassinations, from the bathroom bans to the bomb threats to Jewish centers, from the front page of Breitbart to our White House, that brands all Muslims a threat, it’s “Radical Christian Terrorism”, and it needs to stop.

We need to make sure people in the suburbs realize they have skin in the game. If you read the “replacement” plans you realize that the people who are going to be hurt the most by repealing the ACA are the people in the Republican base. We need to make sure they understand that.

Your words.

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Your words.
