TPM reports on Maureen Dowd repeating her column in which she recounts hearing a thing about a thing.
Quality journalism.
O tempora, O mores!
Throwing a shoe at the TV and cussing is being civil when you really want go strangle someone.
Doesn’t make me like him any more. I wish more responsible people would speak up about their disgust with the current occupant.
Ouch. Never heard her voice before. Little bit goes a long way.
was that before, during or after she ate her THC laced chocolate bar?
What is it with the Bushes and shoes being thrown?
I do the same thing when I see Maureen Dowd on TV.
Yes Maureen, but what about the Democrats!
Well, who doesn’t do that??
That’s a sign of normalcy in my book.
Seems we have the origin story to Dubya’s superhuman shoe dodging skills.
My money was previously on Barbara Bush as the shoe throwing parent… who knew?
So Bush the Elder really did have the common touch—!
Bye Maureen
O I wish!
You start to notice a certain disinhibition sometimes with your nonagenarians. Trust me on this.
If Trump hears about it, gets mad and goes up and flips the coffin over won’t you feel silly.
Tremblin’ in me boots at that prospect.
And another thing. Is “ass” cursing?
I don’t think so but you know me. hahahaha