Discussion: Dowd Continues On Rampage Against Mueller After Release Of Voicemail

Yep allowed himself to be played…wanted to stay a REPUG in good standing with other REPUGs. Must ask him how that is working out.


On Friday, he went after the obstruction section of Mueller’s report specifically, calling it “a baseless, political document designed to smear and damage the reputation of counsel and innocent people.”

:smile: :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

HAHAHAHAHA!!! This nation’s laws don’t agree with you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


If you ever find yourself staring down a three-talking-head lawsplainer panel with the likes of Dersh and Sean Hannity, you need to rethink your life and maybe decamp to Bolivia or something.


Oh, oh, I know, teacher! One is wearing a wig.


They built their house of cards. They know it, we know and they are desperately trying to block the wind that will knock it all down.


“a baseless, political document designed to smear and damage the reputation of counsel and innocent people.”
Dowd going full bolshevik up-is-downist on Fox News. I’m sure the Bar Association ethics panel will be impressed with this defense when they examine his attempts at obstruction and witness tampering.


He’s a coward who just wants to be left alone instead of acting like the lawyer the American people deserved who would fight for his case.


What a complete and utter fraud Dowd is. He knows EXACTLY what he did in his ‘zeal’ to protect Trump and ran off when it became convenient. I guess he ‘thought’ his duplicity would never come to light.


He like the rest of the chumps discovered that Trump Stank won’t wash off.
Trump association= end of career and respectability


John Dowd must surely know that taking a blowtorch to whatever might have been left of his reputation is for naught, right? The instant Trump senses danger from his interactions with Dowd, he will rant and rail against his very ineffective, and weak, bad lawyers who did not have his back. Hung out to dry like an oversized necktie.

You must know this, John. How many times have you seen it happen to others? And yet almost to a man, none of them can help themselves. They can’t resist.

This is not a crisis, Republicans say as a large spider slowly devours them


Patience my pretties
Like ol’ will says
Thou doth protest too much
… and only in the safe environ of a Faux bubble


Which one came first?

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Bail to a country with no extradition before your passport is seized


For me – maybe I’m slow here – the most important part of the tell is that Dowd is screaming about Mueller. This is a transcript whose release was ordered by a federal judge, at the request of Flynn’s lawyers, as part of the arguments over Flynn’s sentencing for various crimes against the United States. Mueller and his team have zero agency in the release of the material. It’s not even clear to me that they had any agency in collecting it, since it was Flynn’s lawyers. It’s as if you were in a regular trial screaming about police malfeasance because the defense lawyer said something you didn’t like.

(Oh, and can we please stop making fun of these villains for their appearance? They could look like perfectly toned young Uebermenschen and still be evil objects of disgust.)


A true Zen moment.


Any adjective wasted on a Trump-orbiter’s visage, which they mostly cannot control, is an adjective we could have used to describe their horrible beliefs and behaviors, which they mostly can.

(I will make an exception for Steven Miller’s spray-can hair. Bald with dignity, you ninny.)


Kushner looks nice but I would not put him in the “classy and dignified” category as money does not buy class. Lately his stock answer to nearly any question seems to be “I had nothing to do with that”. Praps he is practicing for a trial in his future. And generally I avoid making comments about appearances since I am no great looker myself but the trump people, to me, are a special case. The gloves are off concerning them.


Dowd sure complains a lot ?


Because when a president’s former lawyer accuses a special counsel of having deceptively edited a transcript, it doesn’t matter how baseless or deceptive the complaint itself may be, it’s still a legitimate news item. It’s also a problem that fair-minded people have to know about if they hope to address it. I hold still for a lot of reflexive and uninformed press-bashing when I visit this site and I don’t, in fact, think every piece of garbage talk from these people needs wall-to-wall coverage, but this isn’t some mindlessly unchallenged repetition of a Trump lie. This is another attack on the rule of law and it happened in a media niche we mostly don’t know about if TPM—a collection of journalists, OK?—doesn’t tell us about it. That’s why.


Everything from Foxys Shrews are lies .