Discussion: Dossier Firm's Bank Dragged Into Spat With Nunes Over Russia Probe

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The time is overdue for some retired spook to do a deep-dive investigation of Dairyboy Devon and find out who’s pulling his strings.



It’s the funniest thing. According to the Los Angeles Times, Dairyboy Devon has virtually his entire net worth ($50,000 of his $51,000 total assets) tied up in Alpha Omega Winery LLC.

When it was revealed last March that Alpha Omega had a Russian distributor the winery suddenly deleted the Russian distributor from its website in an attempt at covering up the connection, despite continuing to do business through it.

Nothing suspicious about that. Amirite?


Has a complaint been made to the House Ethics Committee over Nunes subpoena use in a matter that he has recused himself from? because someone certainly should. How about every single Democratic member of the Intel Committee?


And isn’t that just too low for a person in his position? Methinks it’s an indication that his finance is some way or other fucked up…

As for Alpha Omega, the most recent data now lists “Phase 2 Cellars” as well. OpenSecrets treats these two as something separate because that’s what the report claims, but are they? Curiously, both show identical minimum/maximum asset values…


My thought as well. If there’s something funky here, it’s the fact that he appears to be nearly broke. How did that happen??? And is it really true?


He’s still under investigation by the HEC, begun last April, for making unauthorized disclosures of classified information while overseeing his panel’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

I suppose they could just add it on.

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What part of “recused” does Nunes get?
It certainly hasn’t made him stop.
Perhaps it means something else in Russian.


So, he has subpoenaed GPS Fusion’s bank for records of all payments by all clients? Casting a hugely wide net on Donald Trump’s behalf.


Fuck Devin Nunes. Who the hell voted for this guy?

I see he’s still an active part of Donnie’s Derp Squad.

I can hardly wait until he talks himself into an indictment when the FBI comes to pay him a visit for an interview. As soon as he lies to them, he’s toast.

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That’s one way to look at it.