Discussion: Don't Assume Conservative Defections Will Sink Senate TrumpCare Bill


The GOP will cave bigger than Mammoth Cave…


One question about the article: what makes people think that whatever “concessions” are required to get 50 votes will be subject to CBO scoring before a vote? The draft as unveiled is already almost certainly different from what went to the CBO.

They’ll just give those senators “more information” (say, about the amount that will be transferred to their PACs or about their new committee assignments) and everything will be copacetic.


“Conservatism” in the United States means tax cuts for the rich and large corporations. And virtually nothing else. So “conservatives” in the Senate will in the end knuckle under and vote for the bill. If it is to be defeated, it will have to be by “moderates.”


In the end, the only unifying position of the GOP is cutting taxes for the rich and cutting benefits to the poor. The Trump GOP Senate hardcore far right wingers will all vote for this awful bill, since it is their agenda.


Are there 3 GOP “moderates” who would vote against this monstrosity of a bill?


Meh. It’s a done deal. All this huff-n-puff about “concern” over the Medicaid cuts, etc., is literally just concern trolling. These are people who will tell you they’re so very very sorry about sticking a knife in your kidney AS they stick the knife in your kidney. I think they’re also clearly already hard at work setting up their argument that we should all be thrilled that we’re getting served Fancy Feast for dinner instead of Whiskas.


They see it as culling the herd.

The only difference between GOP moderates and hard-liners is if they bother to apologize as the knife goes in.

(edit for grammar)


They will pass it because they only care about what their billionaire donors and masters want them to do.


As Josh foretold: They always cave – always. In this case, after some window dressing disguised as substantive changes. Lipstick on a pig.


This is standard procedure for Senators to parlay their reluctance into more swag for themselves or their state. It is repugnant but not unexpected. And they dislike the bill because it doesn’t go far enough or isn’t “mean” enough.


Have fun punishing the poor because I’m gonna have even more fun watching you squirm over your voter base keeling over in droves


They ‘might’ lose Murkowski n Collins and not really worry about a fail.

Notice the quotes.


Of course they will pass this mess, or something worse.


I guess this needs to get out more:


Until the vote is actually taken. All Republicans are voting yes.

Any dithering between now and then is either Kabuki or an attempt at bribery.


Let’s not lose sight of the fact this bill will literally murder thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of decent ordinary Americans, bankrupt many more, and guarantee horrifying poverty and misery for the surviving victims. If there were ever cause for full-blown non-violent insurrection, even occupation of Congress, this is it.

Those who care should start reading Gene Sharp’s playbooks on how to shut down a government gone wrong. They worked great in Serbia, and well in may other places, based on Einstein’s and Gandhi’s principles.

Wake up.


They know it is their last best shot. After 2018 it will be a long time before they hold all 3 branches again. There was never any doubt that they were going to pass something. It was only a question of how many millions they were going to kill.


You’re so right. This has nothing to do with the ACA. It’s about gutting Medicaid and giving the spoils to the rich. That wins THEM over. Nobody will notice/care about the nations’s elderly kicked to the street or the nursing home population vanishing. Then PP cut; religious nuts are happy. A smattering of Far-righters are ticked that this isn’t full-on anti-Obama repeal. They’ll be won over with a bone or two and a few promises. Moderates will go along if the fallout can be moderated. All in all, a sausage that treats the American people with deep abiding contempt. If it’s a win in the legislative column, that’s all they want. A thinking man’s Republican in the White House would never go along with it. That’s the whole thing. Ryan couldn’t stop repeating himself on TV that this is all a promise kept. The American lemming will agree.


Planned Parenthood cuts?

The children are going to suffer the most. Read this and weep.

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