Discussion: Donald Trump's Trade Wars Are Roiling Wisconsin GOP

And to provide insider trading opportunities for his cronies.


One takeaway: 82% of Trump voters remain very enthusiastic about him today.

trump’s base may approve of him by this large number, but the number of the base has shrunk. The number of registered R voters has shrunk to about 26% of all voters, so if you do some math, what you get is his support is no more than about 23% among Rs. Those voters have fallen away since he was elected and he’s lost women, moreover R woman are not running this year in the same numbers newly energized Democratic women are.


There justice in the fact that election day comes soon after most crops are harvested. It’s gonna hurt!


But we’re all looking at this with a very long-term mindset.

Ya know, normally I’m wildly frustrated with Republican voters’ short memories. See: 2010 midterms, when they all believed Obama was to blame for Bush’s economic disaster.

But somehow I’m beginning to find this endearing. Republican voters don’t do “long-term,” chum. They only do right-effing-now.




Appears you missed:


That’s all you missed, i guess.

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“Tramp base needs to suffer…Badly…”

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This. It’s very hard to make a person admit that they may have made a mistake; it’s easier to “double down” and hope for the best. I hope all of Trump’s supporters get exactly what’s coming to them.


Still hoping for and believing in the final victory, or Endsieg in the original vernacular, even amid the rubble.


Sounds great. Isn’t that the way we won the war in Vietnam? Accepting a lot of short-term pain in exchange for a long-term complete disaster?

A great trade-off: 58,000 American dead in exchange for delaying the reunification of Vietnam under the North Vietnamese by about ten years.

Sounds like much the same strategy involved in Trump’s trade wars. A lot of short-term pain in exchange for long-term loss of markets for US goods. Never get involved in a trade war in Asia.


One of the main reasons people vote for Republicans is that they believe they’re “good for business”. When you can easily prove the opposite is true what do you expect to offer these people?

Trump is a disaster for farmers and manufacturers. Companies like Carrier that he personally lobbied and made promises to have already laid off the believing folks who only saw Trump as a tv celebrity. People see the writing on the wall, but if they still demand on being unemployed soon, they can keep voting for idiots like Scott Walker, I guess.


.This week’s Gallup rolling average of his approval rating - it has him down to 39% Approval for the first time in months. Still too high, but going in the appropriate direction…


except, their memory span is only “long-term” until a Democrat gets into office. Then, after the Dems start to clean up the mess (which takes a hell of a lot longer then breaking shit does), they blame the Dems and vote in more Repugs to break shit again. Rinse and repeat.


The poor dears thought NAFTA and TPP were the problem, bless their hearts.


um… Racism and Misogyny?

the Dems did talk about how bad Trump was for business. I seem to remember an excellent Bloomberg speech at the DNC that was all about that. But none of it makes a difference if voters just want to latch on to the hatemongering. I don’t really know any policy or reason-based campaigning that can counteract people who just want to screw over people of color and women. Seems like the only way to overcome that is getting more people to vote. (and hope that the increased numbers favor us?)


The magic number for me is 33%. Still too high too, but I think that’s the point where the GOP starts genuinely panicking.


Oh, I’m so sorry, really I am…(Pass the popcorn!)

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“You don’t send a bull into a china shop and hope for a whole plate at the end,” North said.

In fact you never send a bull into a china shop, if your goal is a positive outcome, correct? The only reason you send a bull into a china shop is to destroy the china shop.

In this metaphor is the US the china shop and is Trump and bull and is the GOP goal to destroy the US?


Yep, but liberals aren’t much better. A Dem gets in office and spends years cleaning up the shitshow left behind by the previous 12 or 8 years of Republicanism, Dems get frustrated, sit out the election, and Republicans take over Congress thus ensuring the stuff they wanted won’t happen. Then they blame the Democratic president for not being liberal enough.


At 32-33% trump’s numbers will threaten gop senators. That’s the time to start running impeachment scenarioes because until their own jobs are on the line you will not find 17 gop senators voting to convict.