Discussion: Donald Trump's Hail Mary: A Meeting With House And Senate Republicans

If they believe a word out of his fn mouth they are as nuts as him!

You know, since the GOP is willing to be led around by the nose by the NRA, anything’s possible.

Trump will be meeting with Republicans to blackmail them into publicly supporting him. Or else.

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Fixed it for you.

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Let’s see if we can’t goose that just a bit more… :wink:

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“Hail Mary”?

Hell, they’re going to need something more like this:



The GOPers are going to present Trump with a Wakizashi and encourage him to commit seppuku,

Isn’t this staged meeting #2 with Hair Furor?

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Ernst’s dome cover really looks like a cheap Elvira knockoff.

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Yes,yes. But that’s the press release version. In actuality such a meeting is apt to increase their fears in seconds.

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"For the American people are a very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible exception of stupidity." – Will Rogers

A meeting of the brain dead!

Oh that someone would be recording this a la Romney’s 47% remark. You know he is going to say things to get people to understand this is all just to get the base aroused and voting Republican. Don’t worry, I’m your guy once I’m in office.


Again.they think that he can be controlled.

They wouldn’t meet with a black president. Why would they eat with a presumptive Aryan Nation one?

A strong GOP must unite if it is to address its internal tensions. It must stand behind its candidate and fully embrace the shadiness, bigotry, dishonesty, hatred, self-importance, and ethical gluttony of its golden standard bearer. Only then will the true ideals of the party be unfurled for the world to behold in all its gory glory.

Take a close look at the full-sized image of his face (click through on it and look at it full-resolution). Look into his eyes for a bit. (Or, “gaze into the abyss, as it is gazing out of his eyes” if you will.)

Tell me this man isn’t mentally ill and pants-shitting scared. He’s in way over his head and some small kernel of his soul is fully aware of it.

trump frightened psychotic break

She goes to 11 ! Trump Girls goes to 11 !