Discussion: Donald Trump Will Be Skipping Megyn Kelly's Two-Hour Special In Houston

Discussion for article #246344

I wonder what it’s like, being someone that has special attention drawn to the fact you were polite during an interaction of some sort.

“He didn’t even spit on me!”
“I wasn’t told to fuck off!”
“Can you believe he said please and thank you?”


It’s funny that Kelly is running out of candidates to talk to. With only Rubio and Cruz left to her and zero chance of Sanders and Clinton ever appearing on her show, the next one to drop out leaves her with a whopping one candidate to talk to for the next 10 months!


Hey. Megyn’s bleeding out. Thankfully, tRump has said “There won’t be anybody dieing on the streets” when he’s POTUS.

I suspect, if you quizzed his ex-wives, they would all say: He’s a man of his word.

“Thank you Joe. And Mika. You’re very classy.”

A " voter summit " with no voters ?

Typical of Fox speak

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I have to ask, does anyone expect Megyn Kelly to ask a hard question of any of the candidates? Will she ask Rafael “Ted” Cruz to prove the paper work was filed appropriately to ensure he is “natural born” citizen? Will she ask Rubio anything?

Be real: it could be a bloody mess.

No. No. And No. 'Nuff said.

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I can’t believe this is happening.

Kelly: “The Trump team said “**Fuk You!***”…which is a love note…ESSENTIALLY!”


trump doesn’t even need fox now… how hilarious that he not only obliterates the gop power brokers, but he’s nullified the influence of rupert murdoch and fox news.

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So…now we just all move on because The Donald was polite to Megyn Kelly? Got it.

Nice is just a veneer for trump. Here is the more authentic “Big Mouth” from CNN this morning:

He says “In the old days he’d be carried out on a stretcher”.
This is Donald Trump.

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Why is Ben Carson still pretending to run for President? I imagine the 5-7% he commands does prevent anyone else from gathering enough votes to overwhelm Trump, but perhaps his voters would also support Trump if they hadn’t Carson around anymore?

it’s all just part of the marketing because it keeps his name in the news; and he sells more books and lines up those future speaking engagements by staying in. it’s all about $$$$$$$$$$.

He couldn’t get his supporters in in time .

Remember when the faux noise screechers swore that trump was suppose to lose NH because of them?

I’m wondering what they are saying about SC? You know, since that state cruz was going to win because of them and the by-bul.

I’ve a higher opinion of her now. It’d have to rain rather hard, now to wash her back in the gutter.

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Trump…brought to you by the GOTP and Fox and the NitWits who love him.

The Monster That Cannot Be Controlled.