Discussion: Donald Trump Slams Virginia GOP Over Loyalty Pledge For Primary Voters

Discussion for article #244137

If T rump wasn’t a Democrat, maybe he would know what the RNC typically does.

And just how are they going to enforce it? I could walk in, sign the pledge (and where / who is supposed to administer it - the poll workers?) vote for the screwiest GOOPER (and which would that be?) then walk out and put a curse on the whole party, and what are they going to do to stop me?

Side note: the “pledge” that Democrats signed was part of the registration to participate in a party caucus meeting to select representatives to a statewide convention. Nothing unusual in that, simply a declaration that participants in this internal process were sincere. Quite different.

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I don’t think I could survive 4 years of this guy in office.
But for a sort of demeaning Monday morning comedy?

Do democrats need to sign a loyalty pledge to get a ballot?


So this is just another meaningless and unenforceable gesture by the GOP. They do seem to love these things.


You won’t have to survive 5 minutes of him in office. He’s not going there and this stunt is a good reason why. If’ your a Democrat and vote in the GOP primary whom are you going to vote for? Trump or Cruz. Neither can win a general election. The Va. GOP know this. They are doing the man a favor. If he wins Va. under these rules he has a real win. If he wins with the rules he wants he probably has a fake. He should appreciate what the GOP is doing albeit it it’s not because they want to help him.


I now live in Ohio, another state with open primaries. When I vote in mid-March I can vote in either the R or D primary. I’ve toyed with the idea of voting in the Tea Party primary for s***s and grins (likely for Carnival, because in my opinion he’s the least electable passenger on the Clown Car[TM]), but at the end of the day I’ll be voting in the Democratic primary. I trust Republican primary voters to do the stupidest possible thing without my assistance.

I don’t think I’m all that exceptional a voter: very few people I know vote strategically. It seems to me that the GOTP’s Virginia move is the latest in a series of ineffective and meaningless symbolic gestures.


“Virginia’s a disaster but they have some good people, but who knows, they could all be drug running terrorists, But you know who hasn’t a clue, the governor, McAuliffe. It’s horrible, very sad, and the senators of Virginia, Warner and Kaine, very unattractive and they have bad breath. But I’m a good person and I’m just going to say that lightweight Chelsea Clinton even if she names her kid Virginia isn’t going to get 13 electoral votes for the mother, who’s extremely unattractive.”


“Loyalty pledges”, how commie can you get? It boggles the mind how these people like to blather on and on and on about “freedom” and “tyranny,” yet they are commanded to sign loyalty pledges and nobody says a thing.


Oh, LGB, please get help quickly … you’re channeling your inner Trump far too well!! :smiley:


Tattoo ?

Stockholm Syndrome ?

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the trump/gop disenfranchisement begins. trump says, gop bad, trump good.

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Twitter rants on Jesus’ birthday??? So inappropriate.
Where did Donald and family attend Christmas services?


Trump is relying heavily on people who don’t vote, and aren’t affiliated with either party. A significant percent of his support doesn’t even LIKE the GOP, let alone want to pledge loyalty to them.

No, this is the establishment starting to winnow out a lot of that “soft” support for Trump ahead of the elections. So he is right to paying attention and reacting (though not as a 4 year old ) to this, because if there is one thing the GOP knows how to do, its to disenfranchise voters.


It writes itself.


Welcome to the game Dumpy!

In the past, I’ve taken a GOP primary ballot to vote against one of their candidates I thought was particularly dangerous – however, this year there is no lesser evil.


Good God, you’ve been taken over by Trump’s super-ego. Maybe listening to some Janis Joplin would cure the condition.


Reminds me of my great-aunt telling me how they had to sign a form pledging loyalty to a party in order to vote in the early 30’s in Germany.

Are there lots of Germans in Virginia?