Discussion: Donald Trump Says He'd Bring Back Waterboarding

Discussion for article #243104

yeah that’s all i got


Two thoughts.

Thought one: Donald Trump does not have a character or intellect capable of considering moral and ethical issues any more than a newborn baby, a three-year-old, or some sort of primitive parasitic creature like a lamprey.

Thought two: Fuck you, you piece of shit. Fuck you.


The problem that i have with that statement is that a newborn is innocent, a three year old is learning and a lamprey serves a purpose. Donald is literally evolving into some sort of newly discovered creature whose only purpose is to fling s— on a wall with the hope that a majority will call it art.


Chuckles Todd could have asked a follow up noting that what Trump advocates is illegal and violates the UN Convention on Torture https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Convention_against_Torture

Signed in 1988 by Trump’s hero Reagan and ratified by Clinton in 1994.



You are rather late in noting these “Chuck Todd could have asked” cases.

I understand that both the Smithsonian Institute and the United States Library of Congress have a 20 Volume Collection of “Chuck Todd Could Have Asked” instances.

Soon coming to a bookstore near you.


Christopher Hitchens subjected himself to waterboarding to see what it was like. He stopped it instantly and said it was absolutely torture, no question.


One thing I’m sure about. Trump never, ever thinks through whatever he is going to spout before he spouts it. Even he himself doesn’t know what he is really talking about, and (here’s the thing) he even doesn’t bother to know it.

All he knows is, just spout everything anti-Obama and he’s handsomely rewarded with plenty of media spotlights and poll numbers.


Keep talking, Donald. Take the GOP down in flames. And then run a 3rd-party campaign so all the rabid haters can eat the rump-GOP alive.


Are we sure he’s not a troll? He probably knows the other candidates will try to out pander him and end up taking positions that are way out of the mainstream. I can’t figure the guy out.


Not just torture, but unchecked Executive authority to torture whomever. This is what a Trump presidency would look like. Scary to all but Trump supporters apparently


I agree. Let’s start by waterboarding Trump!

The thing that’s so disgusting and horrible is that this normalizes torture among the brain-dead right. They demand it as a shibboleth of seriousness. And that message goes out to the world and breaks down the stature and soft power Bush destroyed and Obama has to some extent built back up. I’m pretty damn sure I could go over to the BBC site and see this on the home page. And all so this chickenhawk can tell himself he’s tough-minded. It’s bad enough he’s cheapening everything about this republic—this part of it is the worst.


This time next year but probably much sooner we’ll be breathing a sigh of relief we won’t have The Donald to make us crazy. New Yorkers will be left with him making them crazy however.

A small ray of OT sunshine: The governor elect of Louisiana doesn’t hate Obama and doesn’t hate Syrian refugees.


Capitalism at its worst. Stockholders have to be fed. Therefore, the tantalize-the-brain-dead “journalism” which plasters Trump in the “news” ahead of people like Bernie Sanders is more rational to these Stockholders…even as the “media” they own erodes what is left of decency in public discourse.

The Power of Lucre… using.the Depravity of those Baggers whose children and grandchildren will pay the price***

*** Because these children and grandchildren comprise the bulk of the upwards of 60% of the population eligible to vote, for which this story we are up in arms about is meaningless.


Keep us smilin’, LGB. :smile:


I smile all day Sunday.


Well he’s not going to do that. That claims for rube consumption. There’s the problem that no one will do it now and that if we wish to go it alone in the fight against ISIS that’s all we have to do to get there.