any indication on where the new casino and condo development will be located?
Amazingly this was FRONT PAGE NEWS IN LARGE PRINT in my local newspaper (Minneapolis StarTribune)
As is they were saying: “FINALLY! The Money is starting to come in! YES!”
This is what the MSM has been waiting for; to feed at the trough of Political Advertising (which, is basically FREE MONEY to them.)
THIS is why they have been propping up Trump for the last six months, and they are ECSTATIC about it.
annnnddd just like that the story is GONE from the their website, yet the article DEMANDING THE SHUTDOWN OF THE CLINTON FOUNDATION is still there, going on 4 days now as the lead in the Opinion page.
What used to be one of the best investigative newspapers in the country is now just a sad reprint of the Washington Post Opinion Page and the Washington Times news pages. Every single article is from the AP or some other newsservice, but HEY! They sold their offices near the new Vikings Stadium for BIG BUCKS!
Thanks Glenn Taylor. You fucked up the Timberwolves and now you have done the same to the StarTribune.