Discussion for article #240603
Double Comb-Over v. Poodle Cut - Only in today’s GOTP
Rip 'em to shreds Don!
I’m enjoying that he makes them look like the fools that they are.
And so the Mean Girls vs. Nerd Herd scrum begins…
If somebody on that stage would have made loud catfighting noises while Big Door and Aqua Buddha were going at each other they probably would have vaulted ahead of most of the others.
“My goodness, that happened in junior high,” Paul said.
Jesus on a stick, when Rand Paul comes across as a level-headed observer of the puerility of the campaign, it shows you how insane the Republican primary has become.
Fox News certainly can’t argue with Trump being condescending to those with lower polling numbers than him. Fox does that all the time to try and “prove” that they are legitimate. All it proves is that there are a bunch of numskulls in the country.
“… and the Cooties are YUGE!”
Aw c’mon. You know the only reason Big Door is ahead of the others is cause he makes them look like the whores they are. This is the fumiest primary I have ever seen. Hands down. Trump. Deez Nuts. What next?
Paul is right about one thing. This does sound like a junior high class president campaign.
And Mean Girl Chair Trump attacked Rand because he is envious of Rand’s hair.
I think your last point has been well established since Bush got enough votes for the Supreme Court to plausibly install him in the White House in 2000.
Pathetic personal attacks, interspersed with the contest for who can make the craziest claims about Iran, Planned Parenthood, etc.
This is today’s GOP, at least at the national level. I do know local-level Republicans who seem sane and well-meaning, though often horribly misinformed. But I really don’t understand how they can watch a clown-fest like this and still show their faces in public as proud Republicans. I guess they just figure Hillary, Bernie, Joe and the others are worse on the issues they care about. But I can’t help but wonder how much wincing and shaking of heads goes on in the living rooms of Republicans of the less-crazy variety when they watch a debate like this.
With 16 months to go, I’m sure they’ve run out of steam…
Nah. Just kidding.
Where does this all end?
I’m sure either one will make a fine leader of the most powerful country on the planet.
I’ll summarize the first 3 hours of these debates for those of you who were the smart ones, and decided not to watch it. I’m writing this in a fetal position, in the corner of the room, sucking on my thumb!
hour 1 through 3- Some dude who claims to be George Pataki, who I could have sworn died some years back from boring the crap out of himself, said something that instantly put me to sleep. Later, the other 3 people, Santorum, Jindal and especially Lindsay Graham said, in different ways, that we’re all going to die unless one of them get elected. In fact, there was so much fear-mongering, that I ran to the window to see if, in fact, the world was on fire like Miss Graham said it was. It wasn’t. I truly hope she believes what she says…truly believes it! Or else, she must live a very afraid and scary existence.
The Main event…much of the same…except much dumber people are saying it. Ted Cruz, may in fact, get on his knees and begin to perform fellatio on Donald Trump at any second. I’ll keep you posted if that happens! That’s pretty much the only potentially exciting thing left to happen. Other than that, more fear mongering, and hate mongering…apparently, illegal immigration is the Bubonic plague of today’s society. That’s literally all they are talking about!
He really is a petulant child.