Discussion: Donald Trump Interviews Donald Trump On 'The Tonight Show' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #240414

When you start hallucinating and interviewing yourself, it’s time for the padded room.

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The GOP got Trump. The DNC got Sanders. I say the D’s got the better deal.

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Perfect characterization of the tRump candidacy. Pure vacuousness, in all its vainglory.

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Don’t watch late night TV and I don’t seem to be missing much Fallon
thinks it’s cool to yuck it up with Chris Christie,Donald Trump to me
there is nothing funny about what either Trump or Christie represent.And
Colbert trying to see what diversity he brings to the screen,he can’t
be the same Colbert on Comedy Central it will be interesting to see how
long it will take him to be no different the other late night host.

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Proving Trump is a parody of a candidate. What we have here is a naked threat to the primacy of Theghostofeustacetilly and I for one will not take this lying down!!!12#111!!!one???76!!!$#^&&^%!!!


trump a great businessman how doesna great businessman go bankrupt so many times and doesn’t even have to pay for it like everyone else…BS and middle class tax cuts sure cant do it with his tax cuts to business most big corp’s pay little or notihng as it is and that’s not the reason they send jobs overseas it’s because of the cheaper labor cost yet when you don’t pay much for labor or worker safty etc etc everything is cheap its to keep thet profit margin high and cost low no matter how many people,you screw over to do it…in your own country


The proper response to any coverage of Harumph would be a rerun of the president taking him down a peg or two at the WH Correspondents Dinner, which was not only very funny on the president’s part but showed that Harumph is sulking and very bad at being poked at.

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Love Bernie, and hope he’ll make it, but the Donald is funnier.

I like Jimmy Fallon, but he really can’t do a Trump impersonation.

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I think that Trump cribbed that line about having Mexico build the wall for us from Ghost.

Heh heh… possible. But then it plagiarism not cribbing…no?

CUT CORPORATE TAXES??? They hardly pay as it is and SERIOUSLY that is Ronald Reagan’s trickle down economics, aka: Reaganomics AND it doesn’t work. In fact THAT is exactly what is wrong with our economy. Cut taxes for Corporations does not create jobs, it never has and NEVER will. He’s a LIAR just like Mitt Romney. TWO rich boys who inherited much of their wealth from their dads.
Recently Donald said he used to be a Democrat years ago, along with Ronald Reagan, both switched parties about the same time. There’s a parallel here about the same time Ronald Reagan became the President, wealth for the middle class STOPPED. Republicans are blatant LIARS.
Donald Trump is as much of a qualified candidate as FAUX news is balanced and fair OR even a qualified to use the term NEWS’

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Am I the only one who thinks Fallon is the lamest late-night show host in history? I hope Colbert cleans the little shill’s clock.

A great failure of our news media is Trump is trying to advocate for the middle class in this country, as if a tax break will remove the middle class off the endangered species list, but as we all know, that’s the solution to every problem for Republicans! Yet, for the last few years, he’s been trying to evict working class people out of their homes, in Scotland, TO EXPAND HIS GOLF COURSE!!! There is a Scottish farmer named Michael Forbes that has become the face of Trump’s opposition. In fact, for standing up to Trump, he was awarded, what seems to be, the Scottish equivalent of our medal of freedom (the highest award bestowed on a civilian in the US, in case there are some who are unaware of what it is). To which, Trump called it a travesty that Scotland would award a man like that…meaning how dare they give an award to someone who opposed him. Not one mention of it from our news mechanism! Not that it would make a dent to the assholes who support him…but for those still trying to decide, that’s something they should probably know, don’t ya think?

The GOP got Trump. The DNC got Sanders. I say the D’s got the better deal.

I don’t agree at all. Trump can win the nomination and then the election. You may like Sanders but not many people think he will win the general even if he gets the nomination. The Dems are in trouble and Bernie is an amazing phenomenon but he is not the white knight. Dems have to win 2016. The most relevant question is, how do we do that?

A perfect and very frightening example of what I am saying to tao. Trump can reunite the Bush 2000 low-information-voter coalition; want to have a beer with him, anyone? :anguished:

Who did they poll? Did they poll women or minorities? NOPE, I don’t think so.