Discussion: Donald Trump Gets Crucial 'Duck Dynasty' Endorsement

Discussion for article #241141

Reality-show Republicans need to stick together.


He gots lots munny! Gots purty wife! He oughta be Presnit!

You forgot that important slogan written on his hat.


Great comedy, I must say. Enjoy it before Jindal drops out.

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[quote=“winny, post:4, topic:26961, full:true”]
Enjoy it before Jindal drops out.

Nobody cared about Jindal before Trump jumped in. Nobody cares about Jindal with Trump in. Nobody will care about Jindal after Trump implodes. He has as much impact on this election as the commenters here do.


This is getting pathetic. TPM, stop taking the friggin’ bait.


Two nasty mangy mongrels fighting over a particularly unsavory scrap of crap … film at 11.


Like ZZ Top had a baby, then deliberately mis-educated it and beat it into a delusional fugue to make it susceptible to conservative brainwashing.

Oh, who am I kidding…all it takes is getting rich and suddenly “oh wow, I can fuck everyone else as hard as possible and it makes me even richer!”

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Wasn’t this a scene in Idiocracy?


For the love of God, this is the state of American politics??? It makes me cringe.


Oh noooooo… It didn’t need to be. They both know that.

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Like the Address to Congress scene…

And I could see a Trump cabinet sporting the big medalions… Classic.

“We both have wives that are 1,000 times better looking than us,” Robertson replied"

Someone want to break it to them that the only reason they have pretty wives is because of their money/fame?

Imagine - the relevancy of fighting over a Duck Dynasty member’s endorsement. Has the world gone completely bonkers?


Hasn’t Trump violated every biblical edict that the Duck Dynasty folks claim to uphold and constantly blame the country for not supposedly abiding by.

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Bobby has my vote, and you can too for a nominal fee!

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I mean seriously, am I supposed to care?

Somehow, I get the feeling that Trump wouldn’t touch this dude with a ten foot pole if he weren’t pandering hard.

I thought that the phony Duck dudes were all done already, mostly because they should be but also because I was in Walmart last week and there isn’t Duck Dynasty crap all over the store.

Serious question: Why is Bobby Jindal still running for president?

I have better poll numbers in the Republican primary than he does, despite the fact that I’m not a Republican and I’m not running for president.