This is only a temporary hire. As soon as Drumpf can buy a name change and an E1 visa for Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, it’ll be bon voyage Jason Miller and bonjour Baghdad Bob.
Did he take away Trump’s twitter privileges? 20 hours and no tweets from Trump.
National Communications director? Wow. Hope he knows “Hooked on Phonics”.
so that means the bullshit will be consistent at the national level now?
Does this mean no more Katrina Pierson? Guess she can go back to shoplifting from J. C. Penney.
What would his job be? Since Trump never shuts up, the need for more communications is lacking.
Doing a Tweet scrub doesn’t actually “memory hole” those cool posts, dude. Nice hashtag, I must remember to use that one. So how are you gonna keep Donzy on message? Cybernetic implants? It could be a problem if Drumpf starts shouting “Resistance is futile!”
Unless he brings a muzzle and a pallet of duct tape with him, good luck with that.
Of course, the Twitter silence over the past few days means Ivanka has taken away Donnie’s favorite toy, so that might help him. Plus, they have walking back his crap so quickly over the past few days (“Muslim ban isn’t a ban”) that they are making themselves dizzy. Also, private lessons on teleprompters.
Manafort is trying to earn his money.
I expect we’ll have a while where Donnie will “behave” (that word is relative in this case), then he will revert back to normal, and the clean-up crew will be busy hosing down the crap piles again.
I find it way more amusing than I should, that his national communications director is now J. Miller.
So… what’s the betting pool on how long this guy lasts? I’m thinking 4-6 weeks tops.
John Barron is waiting in the wings.
Lordy,I hope so, I can hardly hold down the bile when I see that smug, smarmy face of hers…
Sometimes it is really, really great (and useful) that the Internet never forgets…
" and it’s unclear if staffers knew about the tweets before hiring Miller." Oh , LOL!!
Good catch. Damn, there’s fine writing on this fiasco of a campaign. I can’t wait until it shows up on IMAX. Probably need lots of Phenergan.
Corey L. can bring this issue up. He’s an objective reporter on Trump, now.
For enough money Jason Miller would do bodily tricks with ping-pong balls.
Even if they’re preternaturally successful at getting him to “behave” for the long(er-than-possible)-term, there’s still the debates, and he can’t not be himself at those. Unless he comes up with some excuse to not show up.
Very, very true. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they don’t decide to let him go through his whole “I don’t get no respect / it’s all slanted against me / that moderator is unfair” schtick to weasel out of the debates…
If not, the only solution is to dope him to the gills…or hypnosis…or a body-double…