Discussion: Donald Trump Comes Out In Favor Of Ending Birthright Decision

Discussion for article #239472

Typical .01%'er idea. This is what happens when you are “Born on Third Base and convinced you hit a Triple.”

Pull the ladder up after them.


And welcome to a racist idea that’s been kicking around since the early 1800’s. The Right Wing really do want to return this country to 1830, don’t they?


A constitutional amendment in 21st century America? Puh-lease!


Why do conservatives (to whom Trump is hooking onto with this nativist shit) hate the Constitution?


No no. Nothing so sensible. Vitter added an amendment to the human trafficking bill that required every Senator to declare his belief that the 14th Amendment doesn’t include birthright citizenship, its plain language notwithstanding.

Because that’s how teh Constatootshunul Conshevatizm works! The Constitution doesn’t mean what the Supreme Court says it means or what its plain language indicates it means. Rather the Constitution means whatever old, uneducated enraged white people believe it ought to mean! It all makes perfect sense.

Jesus. I get really depressed thinking how few people understand how close democracy is to completely collapsing in this country. And the race for the Republican nomination, featuring The Strongest Republican Field Since fill in date, seems to force me to think about that hourly.


Dude’s got guano coming out of his wherever…


One more xenophobe for the pile.

And it isn’t just the anchor babies he’s wrong about, most Dreamers, the ones who weren’t even born here, are more American than this greedy, fascist neoroyal who made his money on greed and sin.

The pretense that there is some sort of national morality, that somehow being American is a private club for special people who deserve more than everyone else, is these hypocrites’ favorite claim.

But anyone who thinks it is moral in any way to drive children from their homes and split families to satiate nativist prejudice and ignorance already lost the real morality battle within themselves, at such a fundamental level, anything precious or special or moral about our citizenship is completely lost in the transition.


because THEY didn’t write it?

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“An irony of the shift toward ending birthright citizenship is that it is putting the spotlight on Republican presidential candidates who are the children of immigrants and may not have qualified for citizenship under heightened standards.”

Excuse me, kemo sabe, but it takes intelligence to recognize irony.


Donald Trump’s official immigration platform featured hardline stances like building a border wall, paid for by Mexico, of course.

I think land mines would be a good way to go instead of a wall.
Much cheaper. - s/

“I would get people out and I would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so that they can be legal.”

So, then: Build a wall. Round up every last undocumented immigrant and ship them out of the country. Then invite them right back in, except for the bad ones. Riiiiight.

Trump indicated that he didn’t have a plan to locate undocumented individuals, but noted he would “find them and get them out,” a wholly feasible process because he knows “how to manage.”

I still can’t decide if Trump’s status at the top of the Republican polls is cause for celebration or a pretty damn certain sign of the apocalypse. I suppose it can be both.

Bottom Line: The real reason all of these folks are talking about ending birthright citizenship is that they know in a generation it will kill the GOP.


But a great way to toss some anvils onto Rubio and Cruz’s laps, no?


I can only assume that Drumpf thinks that it truly is The Whites House, and that he can win it without a single Black, Hispanic or possibly even Asian vote.

He’s amazingly deluded, but…I’m ready to test his theory.


Oh dear, what will “anchor babies” like michelle malkin say?!


Or Piyush? Or Nimrata?


You and so many others. It can drive one nuts. I’m at an age where I’m just taking a fatalistic attitude for it all and try to be grateful for having lived in a period when we were able to have WW1 & WW2 not touch our shores and we enjoyed some relative prosperity. I’m guessing I have maybe 15 years left on this planet.


I can only assume that Drumpf thinks that it truly is The Whites House, and that he can win it without a single Black, Hispanic or possibly even Asian vote.

I figure he’ll burn that bridge when he comes to it, especially if he thinks that every possible voter will actually vote for him.

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Same reason they hate reality: it’s got a liberal bias and it’s not working out in their favor.


The real trick is how they are going to try to revoke the right retroactively…