Donald Rumsfeld can’t open his mouth without lying, so take that into account.
Donald Rumsfeld Slams George H.W. Bush: He’s ‘Getting Up In Years’
And in a better world you’d be in prison.
And what a dickwad was he when he said this long ago!
Yeah, you’re fucking spry.
Besides, I’m sure 41 heard Barbara on the phone with the shrub telling him he’s a good boy enough to know what was going on.
And Jeb’s standing in the background saying, “Ahhh, Dad!”
It’s like ‘Leave It to Beaver’ meets ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf’, ‘Matlock’ and ‘Medical Center’…
One of these hot heads better pipe down soon or these two bitches are going to blow the Kennedy assassination…
Not just a biographer but a historian with books on Jackson, Jefferson, and “Franklin and Winston.”
That’s Poppy’s excuse, Rummy.
What’s yours for your screw-ups?
Turns out there were a lot more unknown unknowns than he knew.
So much of his presidency seems to have been Oedipal, but the rest of us suffered the simplicity.
Shorter Rumsfeld: “When we were in charge everything was just fine.”
Election 2016 Question #527 That We’ll Never Hear From Corporate “Journalists”:
“Governor Bush, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld recently criticized your father as senile and your brother as incompetent. How do you respond to those personal attacks on your own family?”
Turns out HW is the sanest of bunch. Who knew?
When you get to a “certain age” you no longer care who’s toes you step on. You don’t have enough time left to worry about it. It is quite “freeing” to the people who have had to bite their tongues for years so they could continue to “play the game” and had to “make nice” with people they could not stand.
I’m sure H.W. no longer gives two shits about Rumsfeld and Cheney (whom he never liked anyway.)
Being dissed by Rummie … the supreme compliment, given his past BS.
On a previous post I called this for what it is,on the streets,
It’s called “The Dozens” now amongst old men.
Rumsfeld is a war criminal. Whatever he says now should be considered a dodge away from future prosecution.