As the former secretary of dense put it
I’m going to nominate this for the Inspired Typo of the Year award. Awesome.
You go to the election with the candidate you have , not the one you want. Wait. What’s that? You do get to pick the candidate? Oh.
The GOP is the party of fear – not instilling it in others, but feeling it themselves. They are so fraidy-scared of the big bad terrorists that nothing else matters.
“As the former secretary of dense put it,”, CLASSIC!!! Typo of the year!!!
Speaking of a guy who’s responsible for the rise of ISIS…
THE WORST SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE UNITED STATES HAS EVER HAD GIVES HIS ENDORSEMENT. Just in case there remained any clear-thinking, rational, unbigoted Americans who did not yet know NOT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP, this should removed any impediments to that decision. Very wise and appropriate to resurrect the 2002 comments describing the intelligence community’s lack of firm evidence. How did that work out for our country the last time such words were articulated? 4,500 American lives lost. More than a million total lives lost. Two TRILLION dollars in US treasure lost. And this b-astard has the chutzpah to even show his face in public?
This war criminal should be facing trial in the Hague, not endorsing a raving lunatic.
Two psychopathic narcissist clowns named Donald. They should be slow-dancing on the cover of a romance novel.
Aww, the psychopaths are sticking together – how sweet!
Of course Trump is going to get the psychopaths’ endorsements. Perhaps it’s his product, Trump Thorazine, which he himself takes every day.
Man: when you have Donald Rumsfeld on your side you know* you are on the right track!
- Unless or course, you don’t know that you know, which would make it an unknown unknown, or maybe a known unknown, or maybe…
Thank goodness Rumpsfeld didn’t endorse Clinton, or I’d have to write in Sanders.
A pity. I expected so much better of the man.
One of the few sane Republicans around, Pappy Bush’s National Security Adviser, Brent Scowcroft put NATION BEFORE PARTY and endorsed Hillary. Rumsfeld revealed exactly who and what he is in case anybody did not yet know.
They should be slow-dancing on the cover of a romance novel.
I can think of something considerably more graphic than slow-dancing. It’s not a pleasant thought, though.
Freud would be proud.
Well, that settles it then.
He could just do the right thing for once. You know, die.