Discussion: Don Jr. Hires Another Lawyer Ahead Of Congressional Testimony

There can never be too many lawyers…


Trump2020 is going to have to sell a hell of a lot of MAGA caps to cover the expense!


Job creation run amok.

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This is part of carrying out Donald Sr.'s promise to create jobs. Look how many jobs for lawyers his family and henchmen have created, only six months into his administration.


If nothing else, the Trump family keeps lawyers employed.


The Drumpf Crime Family figures if they hire ALL the lawyers, there won’t be any left to work against them.


How many charity scams are they going to pull to make up for all the money going down the toilet?

In the end, it’s the taxpayer who is going to pay for all these lawyers.

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Send lawyers, guns and money. Dad, get me out of this.


“Your conversation has grown tiresome.”
— Dieter, host of West German Television’s Sprockets

“[insert White House/name of White House official/Drumpf family member or relative] Hires Another Lawyer” is the most overused macro in headline writing since computers were introduced to newsrooms.

I’ve found I’m now only interested in the story when the lawyer hires another lawyer. Otherwise it simply isn’t newsworthy anymore.

In college, Jr. always wore 12 condoms at a time…

Because when you’ve done nothing wrong and you’re just going to tell the truth and not hold anything back…more lawyers are needed.


They’ll just boost the profit on them by ordering them from China.

On the bright side, he’ll be able to walk into prison on a golden, incensed path strewn with expensive lawyers…

Sucking up to Grassley;.

Should be a very interesting family Thanksgiving dinner. Will they have a special very long table for the lawyers?

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Odds are, DrumpfCo won’t be toppled by the Russian collusion, it’ll be money laundering. If Mueller subpoenas Drumpf’s tax returns for the last 4 years, it’s all over but the Tweeting. The Orange Oaf is neck-deep in financial crimes that tie him directly to Russia and the resulting conflicts of interest and maybe treason. (an added benefit will be to expose the fact that Drumpf is not nearly as wealthy as he wants the world to believe).

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“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men…”

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The real question: will these lawyers ever get paid for their work?

There’s a long trail of lawyers who got shafted by the Trump family for services rendered. It’s one reason our so called President is having a hard time finding quality legal counsel for himself.

We know Jr. is going to jail…if not for treason, he will go for money laundering and for robbing charities (stealing from cancer charities)

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