Discussion: Don Jr. Does Victory Lap On Fox: 'Feels Great' To Know Dems Colluded, 'Not Us'

Fuck that, toss him in the East River. I’ll supply the shoes.

Don Jr. behaves like Donald will be POTUS forever…


Yes he does but he won’t. That much is for absolute sure.


This is Message Control. That’s it.

ALL of the “Victory Lap/Gloating/We need to Blame the Dems for Russia” pieces are designed to get as many people over to Trump as possible before the Report actually comes out (or Mueller testifies).


Hey, Junior! Feels great to know that the New York attorney general is probably going to send you on a nice, extended, free, taxpayer-funded vacation to Dannemora, ironically called the “Clinton Correctional Facility”.


“It feels great because I was a big part of all of this going on,” he
told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday evening. “I’m the one that took
the daily incoming, the nonsense. Now at the same time I’m also the
person that was actually there, that was actually in the room. So I understand everything that went into it.

I wonder where he got the propensity to put himself at the center of everything.


That is the segment that especially leaped out at me, too.

I hadn’t come across the Matt Taibbi B.S. before. What a freaking smug collaborationist he is.

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Yep…Billy Carter is MENSA material compared to lil’ donnie.


A Report which the President and his hand picked AG are keeping us all from seeing is somehow proof that the Democrats colluded. I think we call that a leap over a rather enormous chasm to arrive at a non sequitur in the adult , non FOX world.


You forgot the beard, even Vanity Fair talked about how bad it was.


I don’t know why Trump doesn’t just prove everyone wrong with all the “lies” they are telling about him; he could just show us his college scores, an x-ray of his bone spurs, his tax returns, and the Mueller report. You’d think he’d be eager to just spike the football.


No. But it’s not your fault, there aren’t words in the language. I just loathe him.


It took me a bit while I searched my failing memory, but it’s 'enry 'iggins and My Fair Lady, right?


The rotten apple does not fall far from the crooked tree.

Oh I’m sure Randy Rainbow will come up with a ditty or two.

Nice try, Birdbrain. SDNY might have interest in your sorry ass though.

with broomsticks

Don’t overlook Donald Nixon, he was a prize.


Marni Nixon is the best Nixon.

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Really, no you colluded, no the Democrats colluded?


The Trumps are the most loathsome of creatures, I can’t say out loud what I wish would happen to them, and that includes Smoke Eye Sanders and all the other putative trumps.

And please, let’s not put those pictures up anymore.

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