Discussion: Don Jr. Does Victory Lap On Fox: 'Feels Great' To Know Dems Colluded, 'Not Us'

so what you are saying is that when the Dem candidate gets an email from a Mexican business partner/spy offering dirt on your dad, that’s totally cool, no need to report it to the government, because it business as usual, good to know


Entitled, asshole, lion-killing tiny pricked…prick!

Did I cover it?


"He then went on to claim that the attorney general’s assessment of the Mueller’s report shows that it was Democrats “colluding, not us.”

Maybe Pelosi wants to rethink the strategy of backing off? Is Trump “worth it” to her now? Because most Democrats think he is.

There really is no limit to the dishonesty on the part of Republicans. And I know it’s hard work, but somebody has got to do it. Pelosi wanted the leadership position. Why? Just to get a nice office?


You forgot “chinless”


Used in a sentence, “Jr. cooperated with russians when he agreed to meet them in the Trump Tower to receive “dirt” on Clinton.”

Incorrect utilization, from Barr: “Nobody in the Trump campaign cooperated with the russians”

I dunno if I’m more upset at the findings of the report than at their clear attack on the English language.


So Don Jr. needed Mueller investigation to know if they had colluded or not?


Is it me that they are nuts for spiking the football? The Mueller report might not report crimes but many nuggets in there won’t be good news for Trump. Why did Trump and all his advisers lie about meeting with Russians. Pence said in January 2017 that no one in their campaign met with Russians. We need to see the Mueller report for all the answers.


A little song for the junior Don:

Just you wait, Donnie Jr., just you wait
You’ll be sorry but your tears 'll be to late
You’ll be broke and I’ll have money
Will I help you? Don’t be funny
Just you wait, Donnie Jr, just you wait

Just you wait, Donnie Jr, till you’re sick
And you scream to fetch a doctor double quick
I’ll be off a second later and go straight to the theatre
Oh ho ho, Donnie Jr, just you wait


So, Stable Genius Jr., are you equating the judicial system and the rule of law as Democratis?

You’re too stupid for your own good.


Will no one take this smug entitled punk by the ear and slap him silly? Or, better yet, seize his ill-gotten gains and toss him in the clink?

Answer: No. Trump won. They will now take a victory lap every day until the 2020 election. Also, they will give the KGB free rein on election hacking, remove all sanctions and kill all environmental regulations and the ACA. Nothing to stop them now. Anyway, that looks like the plan. And the media will praise them for it.

I will be pleasantly surprised if we are able to put a dent in this evil.


It’s shocking how surprised I can still be, after all this time, at the depths of the stupid…


Please don’t discount the NY state AG, because once investigators start with a Trump, any Trump, the shit they uncover is staggering.


It was difficult to watch what they’re trying to and have been trying to do to my father for two years.

He thinks the last two years were … challenging?


When all that comes out they will claim it’s fake news or old news. Nothing to see. Move along.
We have to remember that these people are not burdened by the need to act with integrity.


Too bad Marni Nixon is no longer with us…she could do real justice to this!


What did the little shitass expect after Dad openly asked the Russians to hack Hillary’s emails, and he himself met with a Kremlin agent (the lawyer) who promised “dirt” on Hillary?

Not to mention the countless lies about the meeting.

Unbelievable gall. Effing unbelievable.


You mighta left out one or two things, but you got the gist.

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Walter White wants his hiding beard back.

Four little letter for you Donnie…SDNY.