Discussion: Domestic Violence Convict Resigns Post With Oklahoma GOP

Discussion for article #237843

Or as it’s known in GOP Land: Thursday.


Party of Family Values.


That guy looks icky.

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Good Lord, that guy looks like a real winner!! I wonder if he’s single because every woman alive looks at that picture and thinks that he is husband materiel.

/s (if you didn’t get it the first time).

…Ryan pleaded guilty in 2012 to domestic assault and battery in the presence of a minor and interference with an emergency telephone call…

but then, Magic!

his attorney, Corbin Brewster, said that there were "serious credibility issues with the accusations against him.

and it all went away. Wonder how that happened? More threats against that Wanton Slut?


The dude certainly looks the part.

Oh well, it’s up to them what to do with the dude. Every case is unique with regards to the facts, police report(s), medical report(s) and care, etc. Truthfully, it’s mainly the optics of the situation that guide the outcome with cases such as these.

an argument about politics escalated into violence

Ayn Bland?!?!?! [thwack!!!] Bland?!?!? [slam!!] You F—ing N-zi wh—!!! [bang!]

TeaPubs have long since maxed out their ‘credibility’ cards.

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Exactly. If you have admitted to the crime in open court, than your lawyer just looks stupid to claim the charging party was lying about the crime to which you admitted. A “No comment” would have preserved the lawyer’s cred and good judgment (assuming a history of this) under the circumstances.


Then again, that’s what he copped a plea to. Makes me wonder what the potential charges might have been before he agreed to the plea.


Good point. All the more reason for the lawyer to not invite more speculation.

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And yet, some judge bought it and made the whole thing go away. Must be nice if you’re the domestic abuser type.

@paulw. See? I rest my case. The lawyer has us speculating that he really did something much worse than simple assault.