Discussion: DOJ Won't Investigate Feinstein Claim That CIA Hacked Senate Computers

Discussion for article #224893

Only Congress can yank back the unspeakable powers granted to the executive handed over in the wake of 9/11.

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Haha. The same STFU that peasants get also gets handed to our Mighty Senators.

What are you going to do about it, Feinstein?

Virtually every employer makes it very clear that their computer assets are not the employees personal property and employees are not entitled to privacy protections. Perhaps the Congresscritters think they’re soverign countries or something, due to their elected status, but evidently not.

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Shhh. Dino is having it both ways.

Does Feinstein work for the Executive branch? The CIA?

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+1 to Feinsten for not backing down.

“The department carefully reviewed the matters referred to us and did not find sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal investigation,” Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr told McClatchy.

I think should be:

“The department carefully reviewed the matters referred to us and did not find sufficient evidence to warrant a criminal investigation. Who are you going to believe? Us or your lyin’ eyes?,” Justice Department spokesman Peter Carr told McClatchy.

anyone paying attention shouldn’t be surprised… eric holder is only doing what he was hired to do… protect the moneyed interests at all cost.


Based on the agreement worked out between Feinstein and the CIA the computers and access to them was supposed to only be by the relevant and security cleared Senate staffers.

There is evidence the CIA penetrated the computers and shared storage which not only breaks the agreement but raises some serious questions about the integrity of the work ultimately produced.

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Wouldn’t Senate stuff (located, presumably in the USA…) be something that the CIA should be staying away from anyway?

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I see Holder has learned one of the first rules anyone who goes to Washington should take in: Don’t piss off the CIA,

“I am pleased the Justice Department has decided not to open an investigation into Intelligence Committee staff. I believe this is the right decision and will allow the committee to focus on the upcoming release of its report on the CIA detention and interrogation program,” Feinstein said in a statement.

So, Sen. Feinstein, all that fuss and waste of taxpayers money for nothing? Time to retire and take care of that Alzheimer of yours.