Discussion: DOJ: Trump Can Accept Foreign Payments For His Businesses


“Had the Framers intended the Emoluments Clauses to encompass benefits arising from a federal official’s private commercial transactions with a foreign state, or in case of a President, with a foreign, federal, or state instrumentality, surely someone would have raised concerns about whether foreign governments or government-owned corporations may have been among the customers of the farm and other products regularly exported by early Presidents,” the court doc said.

Are they trying to argue that, because some of the early Presidents’ farm businesses employed slave labor, Chiselin’ Trump’s businesses should be able to employ slave labor, too?


3/5 of the time, only.


“Nor can the term ‘present’ naturally be read to include benefits tendered to a U.S. official by operation of law, such as foreign trademarks, licenses, permits, and approvals granted to an official’s private business, as Plaintiffs allege,” the filing added.

In other words they are trying to say that trump can do anything he wants to make himself richer while president and if we don’t like it we can all go pound sand.


So the DOJ is using George Washington as their precedent? Someone save us all.


under Sessions, we have a DoJ that’s apparently taken a loyalty oath to Trump

And why not? He doesn’t have anyone else who’ll support him at this point. This is why isolating their victims from the outside world is a classic predatory NPD tactic.


CREW’s position.

“It’s clear from the government’s response that they don’t believe anyone can go to court to stop the president from systematically violating the constitution,” CREW said in a statement. “We heartily disagree and look forward to our day in court."
As part of the suit, CREW seeks access to Trump’s tax returns and other financial records. The group has said Trump should liquidate his business holdings and put the proceeds in a blind trust.


What would the DOJ say or do if the name was Obama or Clinton? Would the majority leadership in both the house and senate just sit their and play with themselves OR would they go after Clinton and violation of the very clear emoluments clause (law)?

Laws and rules only apply to democrats and common citizens…Republicans and their Oligarchy are above the law and don’t you people forget it!


True. But why is the Democratic Party essentially run by moderate Democrats? “Moderate Democrat” being defined as a Democrat willing to vote with Republicans.

Why, Bankruptcy Barbie would never engage in some unseemly business practice…


The DoJ position is not limited to the payment of money, they’re also fine with payment in kind “such as foreign trademarks, licenses, permits, and approvals granted to an official’s private business.”


It’s run by the DNC, which encompasses a broad range of ideological positions, as it should do-----and America is basically a left-of-center nation.

Any Democrat worth his salt is always willing to work across the aisle.
Politics, when properly practiced, is the art of compromise.

Ideological purity is for suckers.



In Emoluments and Conflicts of Interest, as in Extramarital Sex
In the decision whether or not to Impeach for violating the Constitution

its always OK if you’re a fucking republican


Only the personnel has changed! Now Sessions has to sign off on his boss’s paperwork! And guess what his standard reaction is!

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It’s also how pedophiles operate. Person in a position of perceive power, to the child, isolates the child, compliments them to make him/her feel special, woos them with praise and trinkets, abuses them and then swears them to secrecy under threat of harm to them or their families.

Just sayin’…


A minor correction, if you don’t mind… any politician worth his [her] salt is willing to work across the aisle.

Democrats are the only ones who even attempt this these days. That obviously wasn’t always the case.


In other words,Emperor Trumpanzee is immune from all laws and the Constitution according to Mutt Sessions and his Justice Department minions. Sessions would have us believe that Trumpanzee is free to feed at the public trough as long and as much as he likes without consequence.I am hopeful the Court will disagree with this argument.


Ah so the Emoluments clause of the Constitution was put there simply to let it be known that a President needs to set up a pass-through and not take the payments himself directly!

Good to know.