Discussion for article #246320
this isn’t a comment as much as that I have questions…
how did this guy get appointed? is there some reason he can’t be dismissed? how does an agency lose control of an employee like this and how is he allowed to issue a unilateral decision?
I have the same question. Here is a press release from the EAC that speaks to the bill of goods he sold the board of directors that he is now ignoring. How this commission, that was ironically created by the “Help America Vote Act” could appoint a Kris Korbach deputy from the most aggressively anti-voter state in the union is beyond belief. I wish TPM, ProPublica, or some other reputable source would investigate the history of this appointment. Josh - please shed some light on this!
If the guy were even vaguely honorable, he’d resign at this point. In other words, he’ll continue to pull down a government salary until he’s dragged out.
I’m also very curious to learn the answer to that question! The two possibilities are:
- someone was asleep at the wheel
- A (partisan) congressional committee played a significant role in the appointment
It could be a combination of the two.
It is absurd that, for national office elections, there are different “rules” for different states. How can it be possible for a citizen to be able to cast a vote for president, US senator or US rep in one state but someone in the exact same situation be disallowed to vote for these federal offices?
It’s bad enough that some states allow early and/or absentee voting but others don’t. My own PA has a single day for voting and absentee ballots must be applied for, stating a “valid” reason.
Universal, consistent voting rules across the country seems like a reasonable demand. Or not?
TPM, who appointed this guy? Why is he not dismissed now? Was it a Executive Branch appointee? Why?
This is unacceptable that this guy is getting taxpayer money. Replace now.
Hopefully the government pulling support for this clown will push the injunction forward. How this guy got onto the committee really needs to be investigated, because the Obama administration obviously would not have supported his nomination. And we need a rework of the voting system…something like Oregon, where everyone is opted in at birth, would be the ideal to push for.
Not an executive branch employee; a bipartisan committee with members selected by both sides, IIRC. Rotating directorship, maybe, so it was this guy’s turn? (Don’t have time to look it up right now…) Muckraker’s been on this story for a few weeks, since this a_hole implemented his ruling (worth reading the background), but I don’t think they’ve explained precisely how he got into the position to do what he’s done. @Josh_M, maybe someone can do a primer? And given your history and the calender, I assume/hope this stuff will be aggressively, prominently covered on the FP this year…
Yeah how did that happen? Appointment? Election?
Seems like his goal, even if the new form even if struck down temporarily, was to give a platform to Kobach to continue his reign of terror.
Funny that an economic issue like the EPA’s regulations can short-circuit its way to SCOTUS, but an issue about fundamental rights is slow walked before the election the suppressive law targets. Have we lost you, USA?
This guy should be removed from his position which he obviously has abused.He should be charged with a crime over this.If that is possible I would urge it.He is a filthy bigoted arse.
There are a lot of good people in Kansas, including older Republicans who think that Korbach is an embarrassment. But now that his puppet lied his way into in a federal position that is supposed to protect the right to vote, the situation has become almost surreal. I have the feeling like we are all standing by watching in slow motion while the right to vote is being severely compromised. This could be the election when that manifests itself by swinging a few states, like Florida and Ohio, and putting a Trump in the Whitehouse with all the long-term damage this will cause.