Tick, tick, tick…
Ohhhhhh, SNAP!
Booyah. Suck on that awhile T-admin…
I hope this ruling gives Trump heartburn that won’t go away, because Mueller is not going to go away.
Unless of course they’re playing 11-dimensional chess and counting on Gorsuch to decide that all results of the investigation are irreparably tainted by Mueller’s participation.
This is odd.
The Prince of Peach malAdministration hasn’t officially challenged Mueller’s appointment. Yet the DOJ has essentially preemptively shot down whatever ethical challenge it might make.
It’s almost like DOJ is tired of the bullshit and is fast-tracking the investigation.
Maybe it isn’t a good idea to piss certain people off after all. Especially if they have the power to investigate you.
Somewhat OT, but isn’t Trump getting more stooped? Look at his posture in the photo. Also, we notice that he can’t sit normally. Stress getting to him?
These people haven’t figured out Rock, Paper, Scissors. It’ll be a long while before they graduate to board games.
“Obama plays 11-dimensional chess; Trump just plays with himself.” – Stephanie Miller
At least as far as DJT is concerned, the decision will be up to the House and the Senate. Mueller is working for them at this point - for whatever that’s worth. (But hopefully for all of us.)
The funny part is, I think these jokers think they’re being very clever. But the Wile E. Coyote “blows up in your own face” sequence keeps on playing over and over again.
At the top, leading by example, is our Mispresident himself – the utter facepalm moment from yesterday, where he denied mentioning the word “Israel” … which wasn’t the original point at all … except now he did mention it, in the very act of trying to call “gotcha” on the assembled media.
You can’t even call it “outsmarting” himself. More like out-stupiding.
An FU if I ever saw one.
Reuters reported on Friday that the White House was reviewing federal ethics rules to see whether it could use the Code of Federal Regulations to limit the scope of the investigation Mueller now oversees
I wonder if the White House would care to review the ethics of having a known perjurer as Attorney General. Glass houses and stones.
"There Was A Crooked Man"
by Mother Goose
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
As was so astutely pointed out on SNL: he always sits like he’s on the toilet.
It’s like when a smartass tourist thinks he’ll be cute and mess with a bear, tease it and so forth, because he doesn’t know jack about the nature and capabilities of bears.
Dumpster fire Trump will be howling soon. FIXED !!! Unethical !!! And we will laugh and laugh and laugh.
Maybe they won’t pointlessly delay the waiver they need for him to investigate Manafort.