Forget the contempt
Long past time to impeach that belligerent Fat Fuck Trump Dog
“If Cummings moved forward with his plans to hold a committee contempt vote Wednesday, Barr would recommend that Trump invoke privilege for the documents…”
So the claim of “executive privilege” is dependent on…Chairman Cummings’ behavior?
Why wouldn’t any judge not in Trump’s pocket laugh that claim out of court?
Barr is a clear and present danger to the rule of law.
If Cummings moved forward with his plans to hold a committee contempt vote Wednesday, Barr would recommend that Trump invoke privilege for the documents, which were subpoenaed by the committee in April.
Asshole’s going to do that, anyway. So contempt vote it should be!
Go ahead, assert Executive Privilege. It’s a laughable argument.
There is absolutely no reason why executive privilege should apply here at all.
Bullies and their threats - just another day in the greatest democracy on earth.
Is there suddenly an Executive Branch privilege we have been unaware of?
To allow such a blatantly political argument to be used to invoke Executive Privilege would be to just give up on the idea of democracy and accept unfettered dictatorship.
The Executive branch could do what it want when it want, regardless of law or constitutionality, at will.
If Executive Privilege is upheld for this, mark that date as the day American democracy died.
Go at him. Beneath the smirk is a contemptuous toad who respects might and nothing else. People like Barr make one regret charting human cultural development as “civilization”.
Perhaps they mean that they would give us the information if we promise not to use it.
Apparently so, but perhaps only for Republican administrations.
I believe the entire conservative bloc on the Supreme Court subscribes to the Unitary Executive Theory, so the decision will be: the President has control over the entire executive branch, the DoJ is in the executive branch, therefor the President can assert executive privilege over all things related to the DoJ.
This is a highly politicized Court that is deferential to executive power, at least until a Democrat is back in the White House and the Court has to start distinguishing its Republican enabling decisions.
We can print you the list of judges. Hint: two years or less tenure.
True, but it only takes 5 Supreme Court justices to enshrine it as a hallowed right.
It could be a bumper sticker. But it’s more important than that.
Unless everyone has one.
The Department’s Office of Legal Counsel issued an opinion last month that said congressional subpoenas for agency employee testimony are legally invalid if they require the employee to appear without an agency lawyer.
Barr: I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them. Oh, wait – I do make the rules!
In other news, Barr’s Office of Legal Counsel is also preparing an opinion that says congressional subpoenas are invalid that don’t have at least 200 Republican supporters.
Seems like abuse of (executive) privilege.
Well, I certainly agree with that comment and its sentiment, but I would leave out the qualifications and equivocations about the need to impeach Barr pronto. A more deserving soul for impeachment could not be imagined.
And when a Dem wins the WH in 2020, it won’t be Ws missing from keyboards.
It’ll be entire filing cabinets worth of documents and whole computer systems destroyed or missing.