Discussion: DOJ: Kobach Can't Speak To What Will Be Done With Voter Fraud Panel's Data

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The data will “somehow” fall into the hands of Cambridge Analytica, of that you can be certain.


I bet that data has not been contained, but instead passed on to others who want to restrict the vote of minorities and Democrats. It’s likely that Kobach used that data in the charges he brought against two voters in Kansas who he says voted in other states as well in 2016. And that’s the plan, to get access to all of the rolls and try to create a database of voters…even if every voter is legal, they will use it to sow chaos and attempt to browbeat vote administrators to remove or challenge voters. The more of this they can direct at people who may vote Democratic, the longer they can hold onto power…it’s a completely cynical, unAmerican plan. The only remedy is to get every single voter to the polls and vote out every Republican who advocates for this, both in 2018 and 2020, and then pass laws to make voting protected as it should be.


“Kobach Can’t Speak To What Will Be Done With Voter Fraud Panel’s Data.”

Other than confirming its eventual translation into Cyrillic.


All those dezinformatsiya attack ads in social media aren’t going to target themselves, you know.


I think it’s safe to say Kobach doesn’t want that data seen. And that to the extent he dissolved the mess once he knew he’d “gone there” and in time the world would know. Abandoning the love of your life has to have a reason doesn’t it?

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No need. For 12 days last June, a contractor for the RNC already had every voters’ data (198 million) in the US left open to hackers and just about everyone else on this planet. All Kobach needed to do was get his hands on that information to conduct his evil doings.

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IOW just because someone in the Trump administration says it’s so doesn’t mean it’s so. The courts have to first find that what they want to do is legal, damn them!