Discussion: DOJ Investigating Man's Death While In Baltimore Police Custody

Discussion for article #235542

If this were Tulsa, the claim would be made that the nearly severed spinal column was a pre-existing condition and that the FBI cleared them. However, I think Baltimore pay dearly for these three cops.

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Survey Says: They broke his fucking neck while “restraining him” then stuffed him in the van limp and pretended like nothing was amiss. He then died from asphyxiation because his breathing stopped as a result of the spinal injuries.

Just look at the kid…he’s a twig…BUT BROWN…so you know damn well these fucking pigs went all FUBAR on him when he mouthed off.

And even if they didn’t and he somehow was injured by falling while evading arrest, their treatment of him afterwards…as if he was nothing more than a piece of meat to be thrown in the back of the paddywagon…THAT should get them fired and charged with some form of culpability for his death if nothing else does. Is there video? Is that a picture of it or some stock picture crap? If the kid was limp and unresponsive when thrown in the wagon, then these pigs showed a reckless disregard for his life and should face manslaughter at least.

“First Responders” my shiny white Irish ass. You get first aid if you’re deemed to “matter.” Otherwise, you’re a piece of inhuman meat to be mistreated at whim…you might as well die quick rather than live with the permanent injuries/disabilities.

This is a CNN piece. The clip at the end with the cops dragging him to his feet while he’s screaming in pain and one of the “officers” yells at him “walk!” is just so callous. They demonstrate no regard whatsoever for Mr. Gray’s safety or health. Frightening and disgusting.


Revolting behavior of these cops.

It’s very difficult if not impossible for a healthy young man to break his own spine while evading police aka running. The police somehow broke his spine while restraining him, and for what? It’s obviously a problem in all those photos where you see police press their knees against these men’s heads against the pavement. It’s actually surprising with their brutal handling of captives that more spines aren’t more often severed.

When the spine is broken you hear a loud ’ CRACK ’ which they either didn’t hear or couldn’t care less about .

Baltimore has paid out almost $6 millions since 2011 to settle lawsuits brought against its Police Department for officers misconduct. Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts:


Should have to explain why all of this is going on under his supervision. He is no small town Police Chief, before Baltimore he hold the same job in both Oakland and Long Beach, California. A vast experience in this kind of affairs should be well ingrained in his modus operandi, yet Baltimore PD is being sued for Police misconduct at alarming rates. What gives?