And because this asshole is clearly on the take or otherwise compromised, his report on this subject will entirely ignore that Comey was an Original Classification Authority at the time.
What’s his fucking motive? He on the Derschowitz Bus to Zionlandia or some shit?
I’m starting to get A bad feeling about this. While the IG fairly criticized Comey, I think the essays Josh has written about the gaping holes in the report not examining anti-Hillary bias are disgusting.
People in charge of stuff (like I don’t know, maybe the FBI and CIA and such) shouldn’t be allowed to watch Fox News. At least, they shouldn’t be allowed to run stuff if they’re face down in the Kool Aid. Idk…smh…
I think Trump has his little, tiny finger prints all over the IG reporting.
So, you can say there’s an investigation about the release of Comey’s memos because there was a referral from the FBI.
But, you can’t say whether there’s an OIG investigation into leaks to Giuliani or Nunes because … what? No referral? Ongoing criminal investigation? Just rather not talk about that because Trump might get mad and tweet at me?
That would be a great question for the IG.
And it isn’t just here that the Nunes strategy determined the outcome. Looking at the polling, it is pretty clear that the obstruction machine is winning the day. The problem is that the GOP, along with FOX, has preemptively discredited anything in the Mueller report in the minds of the radical Trumpista minority.
No matter what happens, I really don’t want to spend the next decade with Trump as a Reaganesque martyr figure who still dominates the media with his tweets, even if they come from inside a minimum security prison. Although that last point would be okey dokey.
If one believes in FBI impartiality and its interest in pursuing the truth, one might be surprised at this IG report. On the other hand, if one is skeptical about the FBI because of its history of lying about agents’ illegal activities, one might not. That they’re still looking to get Comey on something is kind of a puzzler. Why is he in the barrel?
Bingo… we have a winner!
Puzzler? Not at all. It is a shot at his credibility and by extension the FBI which started investigating the Trump Campaign.
I hadn’t even thought of that. But of course he will take every available cheap shot from the sidelines, and the media with breathlessly cover it, as though his opinion matters.
Kill me now.