Emm, Senate GOPers seem to be afraid now. They’re both too lazy and too stupid to come up with their own healthcare bill. Shoulda realized this when they were calling for the repeal of ACA.
Concerned GOPers: We didn’t intend to do so. (Liars) We didn’t know the consequence. (Idiots) We’re now in conflict with the WH. (Deplorables)
You’re gonna reap just what you sow.
The tables have turned. Any time the conversation is about healthcare, Republicans lose. All of our candidates for the Democratic nomination for POTUS need to talk about healthcare every day.
The Justice Department’s rationale have been derided by legal experts across the spectrum as “lunacy,” “nuts” and “an empty unprincipled mess.” Its logic is convoluted…
It’s a good thing that this is an isolated situation and the Justice Department can, in every other way, be trusted to put forth principled, reasoned arguments that are motivated by the rule of law and the good of the Republic.
Or not.
If the courts agree with Trump, he will have just handed the Democrats the 2020 election on a silver platter. So, I expect he is hoping to lose, so he can have it both ways.
TPM could find only one Senate GOPer defending the DOJ position: Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who said arguing for the whole law’s invalidation seemed to him a “more rational” position than arguing that only the pre-existing conditions protections be struck down.
Hawley was not in Congress when it took its tax bill vote in 2017; he was, however, the attorney general in Missouri when it joined Texas in challenging the law in the current case.
Josh Hawley the newest religious tool fool elected to the Senate.
Jeez, who are you going to believe? The GOP or your lyin’ eyes and ears?
Supreme Court blowing up Obamacare before 2020? Sounds like the best way to get a Democratic federal government and Medicare-for-All.
Obviously they’re making this argument because Trump is about to unveil the best ever health care plan that he stated he had ready to go during the campaign.
Oh, that’s not happening? Well of course that’s my fault for remembering what he ‘promised.’ He was joking.
This could be a fantastic example of a sick joke, if it weren’t for the fact that they actually are trying to make people suffer and even kill them.
This could be enormous leverage for Pelosi. She and Mitch agree to increase the penalty to a dollar and the whole case is moot.
I think that was his approach in 2016, too.
Every GOP Senator is a wimp.
Meanwhile how many people will die?
Makes perfect sense the DOJ should blow up the current system. To build an omelet, gotta break some eggs. Have to sweep the current system aside to make way for THIS guy, and his terrific plan. You just KNOW it’s gonna be good:
"“We’re going to have insurance FOR EVERYBODY,” Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” People covered under the law “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.”
Of course not, we’re still in Infrastructure Weak.
I think you give him too much credit. Your scenario would imply planning.
The Kakistocracy is real, folks.
Before ACA, did employer plans have to cover pre-existing conditions?
yeah, and I will never, ever, ever, forgive the ‘moderate’ former Senator Danforth who encouraged, even recruited Hawley to get into the race. I hate my effing state. Really, really, hate it.