When you’ve violated the Administrative Procedure Act, the obvious remedy is to short-circuit the legal process.
Crikey, how many epic Pel-losses is Donnie going for this week?
Can’t we just let Mueller settle Trump’s citizenship issues first?
Be careful what you wish for.
Just what does the DOJ have to do with the Census, anyway?
This is not the first time that the Trumpers have asked to skip the Court of Appeals and go straighten to the top court. It’s very unusual for such a request to be made and even more unusual for it to be granted. Here’s hoping Roberts’ understanding of the court’s historical role weighs against granting this request - which is mired in political mush. After Bush v Gore and the heavy criticism, I would think they’d want to be cautious. On the other hand, with the knee jerk conservatives now on the court, they may win the day. This has the potential to be a very very activist court, and I don’t mean that in a good way.
IIRC, they needed the DOJ to claim a reason for adding the question since election manipulation would do for a public face.
Haven’t they had enough “winning” for one day?
Fucking Mob Boss infects everything he touches.
This is not Trump. This is the deep Republican state.
DOJ to SCOTUS: Please, please, please let us have at least one racist institutional win. We’re diein’ out here, fellas.
I want to take issue with this article for mislabeling the 3 Justices showing support for Trump and the Republican Party’s position as "Conservative ". The Justices are Republican, not concervative.
As many as it takes.
Shorter Trump regime request for SCOTUS review: “we need to fix the census to allow undercounting. Districts to advantage the Republican Party. Extreme gerrymandering isn’t enough to retain minority rule. We know 5 of the 9 justices are “our boys”, so let’s do it.”
Can Trumpski*s birth cert be looked at ; after all he IS Russian .
That’s no way to talk about the second most powerful man in the world.
When the facts are on your side, pound on the facts.
When the law is on your side, pound on the law.
When neither is on your side, file an expedited appeal with the supreme court you fixed.
What happens if Pelosi just sneaks some text into a bill forbidding the question? Congress can do whatever it pleases with the census.
The DOJ dragged their heels on discovery and on everything else about this case until they lost. Only now do they want to speed things up.
Right, they are anything but conservative, they are Reactionary Republicans if we want to be truly accurate.