Something about a cover-up being worse than the crime? Sounds as if McGahn’s loyalty to Trump has reached its limit.
It’s self-evident. The answer is “Yes.”
His staff won’t tell him, but maybe someone will mention this cheerful news to Trump in his Twitter feed. It would give him a sense of how life is a rich tapestry. In the morning you’re celebrating how badly you hosed the 99 percent, in the evening you learn the noose continues to tighten.
Lawyer has to research consequences of lying to FBI?
When so much news is focusing on the tax bill, the congressional palace politics (dealing/intrigue to get votes), it is important to keep looking at each new development on this front - and putting it back into the jigsaw puzzle - and consider what is the image that is emerging - what we can tell and what we can (and can’t yet) speculate about.
Thanks you for this piece, Ms. Kirkland. Well done.
Ying? GOP Tax Farce sleazing through…
Yang? Trump Crime Family going down…
You wait long enough in the day, and good news emerges - so cocktail time can be celebratory, too, rather than just something to wash away the bad.
Only if you’re a graduate of Trump University Skool of Laws…
Big deal here, this means someone inside the White House gave this information to Mueller, I don’t see any way that happens otherwise. Maybe it was part of an interview where someone shared the information, and then documents were found. An actual inside source sharing information with Mueller is something we haven’t really seen so far…and it’s a good thing, it means someone has ethical standards and is trying to do the right thing for the nation. Of course, it might just be Flynn trying to save his own skin, in which case it’s not as good, but whatever gets to the truth of what happened is beneficial.
We need the investigation to move forward and release some more evidence of what has happened…Mueller is doing the right thing keeping things close, but his silence is allowing the right wing BS machine to cast doubt on his investigation. Something really solid coming out of the investigation soon after the holidays is almost necessary to keep the investigation from being shut down in some fashion.
“h o w
t o
c o m m i t
l i g h t
t r e a s o n”
Which continues to beg the question, “Why and who the heck came up with the false narrative that Trump ultimately fired Flynn because he lied to Pence?”. And the corollary, “Did Flynn actually lie to Pence?”.
CIA, via NSA, tells FBI something fishy going on with Trump team, members conversing with Russians, meetings with Russians. Comey opens investigation,Flynn and others unmasked, and FBI briefs both teams re Russian infiltration. Trump team silent on any meetings or conversations with Russians.
Trump team lie of omission. Trump lie: no collusion.
Sounds like he’s starting to get that itchy feeling around his wrists, legs and ankles created by chains cinched up against cheap, rough orange nylon.
White Russians?
Manchin did say treason was the thing. I thought that was quite a revelation.
Trump upset that his tweets can be used as evidence. Also wants to bury the Holt interview.
So far on Mueller’s team you have a bunch of the best guys in the country at ferreting out fraud. They are going up against some ambulance chasers around President Orange because the top legal minds refuse to work with Whiny unless they get the money up front. THEY know his track record.
His interview with Mueller’s team took place over two days. He does not want to be the fall guy for the orange guy.