Discussion for article #228965
Modern FDR: “The only thing we have to fear is Fox news itself.”
“The only thing we have to fear is fearmongers.”
“Far be it from me to attribute motive to the interviewer, to the correspondent,” Schaffner said. “I like not to do that.”
Yeah, this is how Fox is able to continue its holy mission of converting America into a kleptocratic sham democracy, this attitude right here that leads semi-engaged Americans, politicians and the MSM to treat it as if it was a news source.
“the thoughts of a lot of people in the country now.”
He’s absolutely right. The questions were not at all the problem. It was and is Faux’s and the rest of the MSM’s ignorant, irrational refusal to accept any of the correct answers when they are given, all in an attempt to exploit “the thoughts of a lot of people in the country now,” that’s the fucking problem.
How many more contacts will we have with Jon Scott before he is isolated?!
Kudos to the physician. He’s a rare bird: a rational person on Fox News.
“divergent priorities”
University of Vanderbilt ?
Yet Fox books the clownish “Dr.” Keith Ablow more than this guy. I wonder why?
Ablow will say his piss is purple if he gets paid to show up. That’s why.
Dude is way too reasonable…
I admire the good doctor’s reluctance to condemn Fox et al to one of Dante’s Circles… I suppose there is some truth to the adage that says you should not pick a fight with someone that buys printer’s ink by the tanker car.
However, as this story from MediaMatters (http://goo.gl/kfuW1n) points out, the current “breathless coverage” being provided by the cable networks is not actually helping to educate its audience. The article points out:
“The truly strange finding was that people who said they were following the story most closely were the ones with the most inaccurate information about Ebola”
How would the good Doctor in his role as a department head react if he found that one of his professors (or graduate assistants) had demonstrated the ability to reduce the knowledge level of the students by lengthening the lecture time?
I grew up as a friend of Dr. Schaffner’s son. He always one of those Dad’s that all the other kids liked. Not because he was permissive, but like in the interview Dr. Schaffner was always even keeled, calm, and non-judgemental.
out-of-breath panic-inducing hysteria is a big part of fox news’ business model. truth and honesty not so much.
no you don’t
When speaking to a child you have too moderate your replies. The doc did a good job of trying to educate someone being paid to not learn.
Everybody begins at some baseline in their educational process. It’s just that with Fox hosts and viewers that baseline is so much lower than with those who aren’t either.
“people who said they were following the story most closely were the ones with the most inaccurate information about Ebola” … “people who said”
The problem is that they didn’t filter for Dunning-Kruger, they just accepted at face value that when “someone says” in a self-evaluation that they actually know what they are talking about.
For example: “I follow the Ebola story very, very closely.” Qualifies as someone who does, in fact, follow news about Ebola.
However, include the contextual statement “I have Fox News on all day long and watch every report they broadcast on Ebola.” and you will then begin to establish some understanding of why they are a complete know-nothing on the topic.