Discussion: Doctor: Clinton Has Pneumonia, Recovering After 9/11 Event

If HO demands she release her health records, Hillary should reply “My records are under audit by the Department of Health and Human Services and can’t be released while under audit.”

Get well, Mme. President


Prayers for recovery. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back.


This is what is so amazing in this political year.

In any previous election, if a candidate had gotten ill with pneumonia, the other candidate (certainly any Democrat, and any previous Republican) would wish that person well, and a speedy recovery.

As soon as you heard about Clinton taking ill, did you think for a nanosecond that that would be the response of the Trump campaign and its supporters?


And of course that’s all the media is talking about now. Hillary Clinton’s “health issues” :rage:


Obviously, she works hard.

Donald does not. You can tell by the way he dances.


She has pneumonia? Then clearly she’s at death’s door and isn’t qualified to serve. I’m sure Fox will bring us all up to speed on that shortly.


Wolf Blitzer played the clip on Hillary stumbling 40 times in a ten minute session:

Someone on Fox or CNN will soon call Bill Frist to see how long Hillary has to live.


I’ve been looking at Twitter today … The hyperventilation around this is laughable. Antibiotics dehydrate you quickly – anyone who has had bronchitis/pneumonia knows to drink extra water. Two hours later (after likely being given Gatorade in an air conditioned apartment), she was out greeting people. She also played with her grandkids while recovering at Chelsea’s place.

By all means, let a surrogate go to Cali and Nevada I. Her place this week should be at home, doing TV/ Radio interviews when possible. Then, she can get out there on the hustings.

BTW – if Trumpf pulls an “I told you so” on this, it’s going to play exactly into the “basket of deplorables” statement she made over the weekend. Bets on whether Donnie is smart enough to do the decent thing?


Last I heard, pneumonia is curable? Not that that will stop the media hounds and the basket of deplorables from elevating this to a national crisis. Get some rest, Mrs. President. We’ve got your back.


I think the media now believes that with this non-story they can deliver the presidency to Trump. Because all they will talk about is this and emails. To hell with Trump’s bigotry, racism and blatant lies.


Thanks for watching it so I don’t have to.

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Blitzer must be ecstatic about this development and will do all he can to help Trump.


They responded like a basket of deplorables.


Decent? Trump?


You think you’re joking but I think you may have just given someone an idea :roll_eyes:

Saw this on CNN and kept looping the video of her stumbling to the motorcade van. Counted at least 100 times, over and over, on an endless loop.


I don’t think most of the mainstream media wants trump as president. But he is entertaining and unpredictable. He generates ratings gold. They are waiting for the next gaffe or remark. I think that if they in their gut believed it was possible for trump to be president they would go after him harder. But they’ve never had to deal with a candidate this un-serious and so don’t really believe he could be president. They’ll pay lip service to the possibility but they don’t believe it’s gonna happen.

Meanwhile Hillary is secretive and doesn’t play wih then as Bill and Obama do. Hence, they keep pressing, trying to get more access and also to show off how unbiased they are.

The danger of course is that there is only 60 days left and most of us realize the race is closer than it should be. If they don’t start covering trump seriously and demanding his taxes… They could be in for a very rude awakening. Because he will do everything he can to weaken the 1A.


Yeah, every quack and Doctor Feelgood across 2 states will be opining on the situation. Personally, my response to that would be, “OK, then please welcome President Kaine” because no way is Rump gonna be POTUS. Ain’t happening.

EDIT TO ADD: On a positive note, we’re no longer discussing e-mails or Colin Powell.


Or, she can tell Don to put up or shut up. In the middle of the debate she can state that she’s tired of Don’s endless conspiracy theories and that she’s willing to submit to a battery of physical AND psychological tests conducted by an independent panel, AS LOMG AS DON DOES AS WELL. Don can either tuck his tail between his legs and decline (which is my guess as to what he’ll do) or he can subject himself to the scrutiny that he’s so desperate to avoid. Either way, HRC looks confident and smacks the orangutan on the head in one bold move.