Discussion: Do Republicans Remember When They Promised They'd Be A Check On Trump?

Yes, their caucus is fractured. Which is why I don’t they will exacerbate the problem by going after Trump. I do like your characterization of Trump. Very apt.

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Yes they remember, but hope you will soon forget or at least quick fucking bringing it up!

Remember when we all believed in the tooth fairy?

I prefer to call them capons.

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I’m surprised if any democrat would actually take a republican at his or her word. All of them will back Trump today, .but…!
Susan Collins, Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham,
Remember these names because these names will be the first to denounce Trump when the $hit really hits the fan.

Well we knew that was bullshit at the time. Republicans are cowards and afraid of whatever nasty tweet they might receive if they go against the great Orange dope, but they might want to rethink that. Its obvious from the folks Trump has been choosing for his cabinet and to run the various agencies of Government that they are being brought in as a wrecking crew. They are there to destroy whatever area they are being assigned to. I don’t know if its that’s Bannon’s influence but they are they to destroy: Sessions to destroy DOJ, DeVos to destroy education, Pruitt to destroy EPA and so on on and so forth. They’re going to wreck it all and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process, Republicans need to understand that means them as well.

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That pretty much sums it up - you could add unquenchable lust for power but it would be overkill.

It is time for any Republican with a shred of decency to choose a side. Surprising that this has happened in 10 days instead of 10 months, but these guys surrounding Trump do not appear to have any strategy besides bullying, battering, bad-mouthing and insulting. And they keep making everyone look bad, the unforgivable sin. Even in the Republican hegemony that is now DC, you can only get away with this crap for so long before the million pound shithammer comes down on you. I thought first year impeachment was a total fantasy, but now I would give it better than 50% odds for sure.

Since this thread is old, lets stay OT.

First of all, it’s twitter, second of all there are better sources on some of those threads than CNN. No kidding.

Laundering money? I don’t know what’s true, but Trump has been linked to the mob repeatedly. He has never been charged with a crime, but I’ve read everything from Trump Tower was financed with mob money and his father’s signature, to he was a front in AC for mob partners. Whatever the case, I think it’s safe to say that someone’s whose principle businesses are NY City construction and NJ gambling might have mob friends, dunno.

Also, on not being able to make money? The mob just wants the cash, when the gig is up they torch the place and walk away. No consequences. Remember the Goodfellas movie? They went into business with the guy who was legit. They ran up all the bills they could. Got all the insurance they could, and then they firebombed it. That was a win.

How does someone lose money in a casino? The house always wins.

Next up: requiring Rolling Coal modifications to all government vehicles
