Bannon is playing the GOP like a fiddle. He’s the new Cheney. Pence is ma waiting for pa to come home.
Thanks. I shared.
Not to nitpick either James VI was not born until Elizabeth was 35 or so.
[quote=“acampbell, post:22, topic:50511”]
She had a male heir for much of her reign - James VI, King of Scots.
[/quote]That’s past the time she would be of marriage-able age.
DeVos is out of committee. Approved 12-11.
Republicans’ - they are The Swamp.
“…They’re willing to risk the republic to fulfill their cherished desire to shred the social safety net…”
yea, verily, the old pact with the devil. They look to him to sign/bless outrageous legislation that will make life miserable for millions of all ages.
The Repugnicant elected suffer from CRS syndrome-----Can’tRememberStuff…but they round up the usual excuses…" 1) I don’t recall that meeting. 2)I wasn’t AT the meeting. 3)You must have taken me for someone who cares about this country…" I know, they’ll never admit to 3).
These ads need to be re-run in the same rust belt districts that put Trump over the top along-side Trump’s most aggregious anti-middle-class comments, hires and EOs.
Did anyone actually believe them when they said that? I don’t know anyone who did.
Somewhat OT, but in the twitter thread of your post:
Trump laundering Russian money? Plausibly:
I just heard General Kelly (slightly OT but no thread here on the press conference by DHS) try to answer questions about the input and implementation of the EO regarding immigration. How sad that he completely sold himself out in deference to remaining Donald Trump’s “pet,” - saying he knew it was coming because Donald said it in the campaign, trying to defend fraudulent numbers provided by the administration in terms of how many individuals were affected, and making himself look small and ignorant. If he can’t stand up, I wouldn’t expect anything from Republicans.
This is nonsense, Lio. Do you really think there is anything that President Trump would sign that President Pence would not sign? I don’t.
They don’t need Trump.
They cannot get out of their Borg/cult/lemmings mentality – that Reagan 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” And Trump will lead them over a cliff.
We criticize the Dems sometimes for being more fractious, but it is feature of the Democratic party, not a bug.
Do Republicans Remember When They Promised They’d Be A Check On Trump?
This has been today’s edition of Simple Answers to Silly Questions, brought to you today by the number 96 and Indivisible, who encourage you to seek out local groups opposed to the meshegas going on around all around us today.
Richard Burr is the chairman of the senate intel committee. I can’t find any statement from him about Bannon being placed in the Principals Committee. In fact, the last statement of his about anything was Jan 26. I called and left a message at the DC office letting him know exactly what I think of Bannon’s placement. Of course, I was polite, which was made more difficult by the current front page on Burr’s senate site:
Why doesn’t anyone besides our brave senator consider the plight of the race car?
‘Just following orders. Just following orders’
Yeah, because Republicans would have no problem enacting their agenda after an action that would bitterly divide the Establishment from Trump supporters in Congress and the base.
House Speaker Paul Ryan: I’d ‘Sue’ A President* Who Exceeded His Constitutional Powers
There, fixed it for him.
sigh I’ve had to fix Ryan’s statement’s for him before in exactly this same way.
OMG - and this isn’t from the Onion?
It isn’t clear to me that Trump has much real support in Congress.
Congresscritters are many things, but one of the things they all share is a sense of self-preservation. In his first ten days, Trump has pulled things it took Carter months to achieve in terms of pissing off (and on) Congress. On top of that, their caucus is already rather fractured as shown in the failure to even begin to find a caucus-approved alternative to the ACA. Other fault lines are showing, too.
The Twit-in-Chief has shown himself willing to take shots at anyone. To paraphrase Niemöller, “First he came after the Clintons, and I did nothing because I am not a Clinton. Then he came after the Democrats generally, and I did nothing for I am not a Democrat. When he next came after establishment Republicans, I did nothing because I am not an establishment Republican. When he came after me, there was no one left to stand for me.” Republicans know that adage as well as anyone does. If Trump continues on this path of chaos, I suspect the Senate will turn on him first, because there are fewer of them. But I think the House will eventually follow.