My money is on Melania.
I don’t know how much impact the anonymous writer thought this would have, but already it’s yesterday’s news. Let the enablers try to clean up the mess that Trump is creating before the election.
Forget the hings coming of the doors of his administration - the doors and walls are all just collapsing. This is a fiasco type spectacle.
“Last man to deny it, is out !”
Pence and Coats have denied. That leaves KAC from the speculation here yesterday.
Last night Rachel Maddow speculated that the author was Mike susPence, based on the uses of the word “lodestar” and the phrase “cold comfort.” On its face it seemed to make a pretty good case as those are established idioms Q-tip uses with some regularity.
But then I remembered that staffers had made comments taking great pride in mimicking the pResident’s speech patterns when they wrote his tweets. Given that it could be a lot of people.
That said, I think whoever wrote it is a fucking coward merely pre-covering his/her ass for when this precarious House of Cads falls down.
Nah, doesn’t sound enough like Michele Obama for it to be her.
My hunch: Kushner
Do these deniers deny that they gathered to discuss implementing the 25th?
I see what you did there!
(You’re not from Boston, are you?)
They are all despicable…just saying!
Wish we could get those ghost hunter folks in there with their
paranormal recorders …
Get to hear what all the pictures are saying —