Damage? Hell, that’s Making America Great Again.
Silly liberals…
“the strategy is a reaction to the perceived mistakes of the Hillary Clinton campaign, which the DNC thinks spent too much time on Trump’s personality.”
This is a great idea and hopefully they will follow through on it. Run ads in West VA highlighting the continued decline of the coal industry under Spanky. Run ads in Ohio ,Mich. and Wisc. highlighting the loss of high paying manufacturing jobs in the auto and motorcycle industries during Spankys reign. Run ads in FLA. highlighting Spankys callousness and disregard of Puerto Rico and its people in the aftermath of the two hurricanes.The possibilities here are endless. All politics are local.
Might’ve come in handy re Wisconsin last week.
It only works if the ads air in purple states or states that can be made purple this cycle. Focus on the 10 states that are always in play and add in 5 more that could be in play with the right candidates.
“All politics are local” can’t be said enough.
I like this strategy. Attacking Trump’s personality is pretty pointless. Anyone who might be swayed by that argument has had plenty of opportunities to see what he’s like and make a decision. The votes you want to chase are the people who split ticket vote GOP but don’t like Trump so they’re on the fence because they’re not aware of how personally affected they’ve been by his policies and cabinet.
I recall the uproar from so many about Keith Ellison not winning the chairmanship. Even those people have to admit that Tom Perez has done a great job thus far.
So it’s not ok to talk about a guy who (checks notes) ‘bitched and moaned’ about not being able to shoot refugees, right?
And social media. please, reach pople through their friends and family.
Yeah, let’s just talk about ‘pocketbook issues’.
Halfway there, but only halfway.
The local angle is fine, but there’s a considerable body of research showing that ads don’t change people’s minds nearly as much as boots on the ground - people talking to people in shopping malls, ringing door bells, etc., especially in presidential races.
This requires decentralization, recruitment of local volunteers and paid staffers and giving them the autonomy to adjust to local conditions. But we’re still getting a top-down strategy from a small number of consultants who pocket high fees from placing ads.
The consultants are the problem.
So it’s not ok to talk about a guy who (checks notes) ‘bitched and moaned’ about not being able to shoot refugees, right?
Talk about it all you want. It isn’t going to change many votes. Sad but true. So Ds need to concentrate on destroying Trumps mythology.
Once he is no longer president, that is the time to concentrate on roasting his character.
His personality is a big part of that.
“…the strategy is a reaction to the perceived mistakes of the Hillary Clinton campaign, which the DNC thinks spent too much time on Trump’s personality.”
Must have been Bernie’s fault.
Agreed, but I don’t think it was pointless in 2016. I don’t think we, as a country, fully understood just what pieces of shit the other half of the country truly is. I’m still kind of blown away by that and as a black woman who lives in the South, I really shouldn’t be surprised. At all. LOL Still, I think it’s a really good strategy now, and I’d also really like to see them tie it all together with his past as an extremely terrible business person. That was the one truly big mistake the Clinton camp made. They went after his character when, in hindsight, they should’ve torn apart his business record. Again, who knew how many demented, destructive voters would go to the polls and vote for evil incarnate?
That was strictly cult of personality bullshit. The only knock they had against Perez was who he supported in the 2016 primary. They pretended as if that was the entirety of his ideology and the whole of the human. It was disgusting.
I can’t think there was an argument against temperament that the DNC could have been made that was stronger than Trump’s public statements. If someone sees the “Grab them by the pussy” tape and is still on the fence, then it’s time to accept that nothing you can say or do is going to change their minds based on a temperament argument. It was time to move on to something else. The DNC (for very understandable reasons) just couldn’t get over the idea that there were people out there still willing to vote for him, knowing who he was. They were trapped in the internal logical loop of: “This guy is so obviously unfit for office” that they couldn’t stop rolling footage of him just being himself and saying: SEE! SEE! I MEAN JUST LOOK AT HIM!
Meanwhile, enough people to win an electoral college victory were willing to either ignore that, or found those sorts of behavior attractive in a President.
I think it’s plenty OK, I’m just saying that anyone who could possibly be swayed by that argument has been presented with ample evidence. Hell, Donald Trump is his own negative campaign ad on personality. The DNC should spend their money on finding arguments along different lines and simply point people to (checks notes) ‘any public statement made by Donald Trump’ for evidence of unfit temperament.