Discussion: DNC Penalizes Sanders Camp After Staffer Accesses Clinton Voter Info

Discussion for article #243920

I remember back in 2004 I started blogging on the DNC site. It was a great place to meet people with liberal views and discuss politics and life in general. It was soon overrun by trolls and the DNC administrators were never able to figure out how to deal with them. Eventually most posters moved over to Facebook and I started using TPM and Kos.

This is a non-story. The Sanders staffer was promptly fired and the campaign has been working with the DNC collaboratively on the firewall issue. No ‘wrong doing’ that hasn’t been appropriately and timely addressed. An Inside Baseball story. The DNC vendor needs to get its act together.


C’mon, TPM. This is only worth maybe a column-inch on p.4.


this is an issue that the sanders campaign reported to the dnc months ago… odd that the dnc never worked to resolve it. but immediately ran to the press to denounce sanders and restrict his future access to the data.

oh, is everyone aware that there’s a democratic ‘debate’ scheduled for tomorrow night – the saturday before christmas, when viewer numbers are almost certain to be low.

how fortunate for clinton that the dnc is headed by clinton hack, debbie wasserman schultz, whose only reason for being in that position is to ensure clinton’s annointment.


This sounds like the DNC is becoming as fearful as the MSM of Sanders’ momentum. It’s going to be really interesting when the Feel the Bern crew overwhelms the primaries.

And did anyone catch that the DNC wants the Sanders campaign to destroy files that the DNC knows Sanders doesn’t have? Neat trick.


It seems to me that it’s one issue for the vendor to get sloppy and drop the firewall. It’s another thing altogether for some idiot in the Sanders campaign to take advantage of that.

You can blame the vendor but if the Sanders campaign has folks working on it that don’t quite understand the seriousness of the situation then they deserved to be fired and the campaign sanctioned. Bernie will survive this.


Maybe the Sanders campaign is hiding the data on Clinton’s private email server. They’ll never look there!


You gotta admit, though, that it was a pleasant change not to start the day with Trump story, no?


in current polling, sanders is beating clinton, with the exception of iowa, where she continues to outpoll him; and in other polling, sanders is the only one with positive favorabilities.

clinton loses to trump; sanders is polling even.

he broke the record of individual donors; his campaign appearances draw thousands; he received the endorsement of cwa and dfa (howard dean’s baby, and dean a clinton campaign advisor)…

and all of this despite the media blackout for sanders. except for stories like this.


dreck is dreck.

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True, but more centrally, the goddamn DNC needs to get its act together. However, that will never happen as long as Debbie Waste of Space Schultz is running the show. And I’m more or less a Clinton supporter.

This is ultimately a tempest in a tea pot, and is the last reason anybody should use in deciding to support either candidate.

I suspect that Hillary doesn’t realize this, but a close relationship with DWS is of no benefit to her campaign, either in the primaries or in the general. She’d be smart if she kept that useless DNC hack as far away as possible.


The Presidential primary should be a single, nation-wide election. It’s completely unfair to subject the whole country to these 2 years of election shit, when most of the campaigns won’t survive long enough for most people to even get a chance to have a meaningful choice.


Nicely done. It also appears this is the only way Sanders can get face time at TPM - behind Trump and Clinton.


Sander’s national Director of Data was fired for an unethical breach into Clinton campaign data. That is not a “low level staffer”. And four more Sanders’ accounts had access to this information. Who else accessed this information?

We are being told by the Sanders’ campaign that is all that happened. A full and complete audit of the data breach is required. “The DNC told the Sanders campaign that they will again be able to access the voter files after they destroy any data collected from the Clinton campaign’s list and explain why the staffer breached the system.” This doesn’t seem punitive. The reaction by the DNC and the remedy they’re seeking seem tempered and reasonable.


Why was only one staffer fired? If four separate user accounts viewed the data why weren’t more people fired? The campaign refused to comment when asked about it.
If they know enough to fire one employee they know what the story is with the other user accounts as well. It looks like they are protecting people they don’t want to lose. They will need to be more forthcoming.


which polls?


If it ‘screeds’, it leads!



and you’re paying for it as a prime member?

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If the Sanders campaign isn’t forthcoming, the DNC should consider waterboarding.